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Main description:
Updated and expanded to provide the neurologic, intensive and critical care communities a comprehensive guide to common critical care illnesses and seizures, this third edition remains the premier resource on seizures in critical care. In addition to covering etiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment options, chapters feature the latest technologies and treatments and integrate current literature. This unique and specialized text offers neurologists, intensivists, neurosurgeons, trauma surgeons, epileptologists, electrophysiologists and residents in various specialties clarity on this challenging set of comorbidities.
Chapter 1: Status Epilepticus - Lessons and Challenges from Animal ModelsChapter 2: Impact of Seizures on OutcomeChapter 3: Diagnosing and Monitoring seizures in the ICU: The role of continuous EEG for detection and management of seizures in critically ill patients, including the ictal-interictal continuumChapter 4: Seizures and Quantitative EEGChapter 5: Spreading depolarizations and seizures in clinical subdural electrocorticographic recordingsChapter 6: Multimodality Monitoring Correlates of SeizuresChapter 7: Management of Critical Care SeizuresChapter 8: Management of status epilepticus ETIOLOGY-SPECIFIC SECTIONChapter 9: Ischemic Stroke, Hyperperfusion Syndrome, Cerebral Sinus Thrombosis and Critical Care SeizuresChapter 10: Hemorrhagic Stroke and Critical Care SeizuresChapter 11: Traumatic Brain Injury and ICU SeizuresChapter 12: Brain Tumors and ICU SeizuresChapter 13: Global Hypoxia-Ischemia and Critical Care SeizuresChapter 14: Seizures in Fulminant Hepatic Failure, Multiorgan Failure and Endocrine CrisisChapter 15: Seizures in Organ Transplant RecipientsChapter 16: Extreme Hypertension, Eclampsia and Critical Care SeizuresChapter 17: Infection or Inflammation and ICU SeizuresChapter 18: Electrolyte Disturbances and Critical Care SeizuresChapter 19: Alcohol Related Seizures in the Intensive Care UnitChapter 20: Drug-Induced Seizures in Critically Ill PatientsChapter 21: Seizures related to illicit drugs and toxinsChapter 22: Seizures and Status Epilepticus in Pediatric Critical Care
Publisher: Springer (Birkhauser Verlag AG)
Publication date: June, 2017
Pages: None
Weight: 652g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Accident & Emergency Medicine, Neurology, Neurosurgery
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