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Main description:
Throughout the world, the population of older adults continues to grow. The rise in geriatric populations has seen an increase in research on clinical diagnostic, assessment, and treatment issues aimed at this population. Clinical geropsychologists have increased their interest both in providing mental health services as well as developing approaches to improve quality of life for all older adults.
The Oxford Handbook of Clinical Geropsychology is a landmark publication in this field, providing broad and authoritative coverage of the research and practice issues in clinical geropsychology today, as well as innovations expanding the field's horizons. Comprising chapters from the foremost scholars in clinical geropsychology from around the world, the handbook captures the global proliferation of activity in this field.
In addition to core sections on topics such as sources of psychological distress, assessment, diagnosis, and intervention, the handbook includes valuable chapters devoted to methodological issues such as longitudinal studies and meta-analyses in the field, as well as new and emerging issues such as technological innovations and social media use in older populations. Each chapter offers a review of the most pertinent international literature, outlining current issues as well as important
cultural implications and key practice issues where relevant, and identifying possibilities for future research and policy applications.
The book is essential to all psychology researchers, practitioners, educators, and students with an interest in the mental health of older adults. In addition, health professionals - including psychiatrists, social workers, mental health nurses, and trainee geriatric mental heatlh workers - will find this a invaluable resource.
Older adults comprise a growing percentage of the population worldwide. Clinical psychologists with an interest in older populations have increased the amount of research and applied knowledge about effectively improving mental health later in life, and this book captures that information on an international level. The book addresses how to diagnose, assess and treat mental illness in older persons, as well as ways to improve quality of life in all older persons. It has a great breadth of
coverage of the area, including chapters spanning how research is conducted to how new technologies such as virtual reality and social media are used with older people to improve mental health. The book would appeal to all psychology researchers, practitioners, educators and students with an interest in
the mental health of older adults. It would also appeal to other health professionals, including psychiatrists, social workers, and mental health nurses who work with older people. It is a valuable resource for trainee geriatric mental health workers because it highlights key readings and important practice implications in the field.
1. Perspectives on Clinical Geropsychology ; 2. Demographics of Mental Health and Ageing: An update ; 3. Longitudinal Studies and Clinical Geropsychology ; 4. Meta-analyses in Clinical Geropsychology ; 5. Successful development and Aging ; 6. Social capital and gender ; 7. Cognitive development in aging ; 8. Transitions in Later Life ; 9. Interviewing Older People ; 10. Psychological Assessment Strategies ; 11. Assessing trajectories of cognitive change over time in later life ; 12. International Perspectives on Capacity Assessment ; 13. Suicidal Ideation in Later Life ; 14. Clinical evaluation and intervention methods ; 15. Functional sequelae of cognitive declines in later life ; 16. Understanding the Environment of Long-term Care ; 17. Advanced Illness and the End of Life ; 18. Loneliness and Disability in Later life ; 19. Neuropsychiatric Approaches to Working with Older People ; 20. Late-Life Depression ; 21. Physical co-morbidity with mood disorders ; 22. Late-life Anxiety ; 23. Psychosis in Older Adults ; 24. Personality Disorders ; 25. Late Life Insomnia ; 26. Substance Abuse ; 27. Elder Abuse: A global epidemic ; 28. Life Risks and Cognitive Health ; 29. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Approaches ; 30. Interpersonal Psychotherapy ; 31. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy with Older People ; 32. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy with Caregivers ; 33. Reminiscence Therapy Approaches ; 34. Cognitive Analytic Therapy Approaches ; 35. Family Therapy with Older Adults ; 36. Interprofessional Geriatric Healthcare: Competencies and Resources for Teamwork ; 37. CBT Approaches to Dealing with Challenging Behaviors in Dementia ; 38. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Aging: Considerations for interventions ; 39. Caring for Caregivers of a Person with Dementia ; 40. Bereavement and Grief in Later Life ; 41. Treating mood disorders using combined psychotherapy and medication ; 42. Psychological approaches to pain management with cognitively impaired older adults ; 43. New Horizons: Psychological Interventions in Primary Care Settings ; 44. Positive aging: New horizons for older adults ; 45. Barriers to Accessing Psychological Services for Older Adults ; 46. Seniors' online communities and well-being in later life ; 47. Portable Interactive Technology in Rehabilitation Services ; 48. Use of Virtual Reality Technologies in Psychotherapy ; 49. Exercise and Health Promotion for Older Adults with Cognitive Impairment ; 50. Rising geropsychology practice in China ; 51. Why we need an international clinical geropsychology
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Publication date: November, 2014
Pages: 608
Dimensions: 171.00 x 255.00 x 58.00
Weight: 2366g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Counselling & Therapy, Endocrinology, Psychiatry, Psychology
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