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The Oxford Handbook of Treatment Processes and Outcomes in Psychology
A Multidisciplinary, Biopsychosocial Approach
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Main description:

The Oxford Handbook of Treatment Processes and Outcomes in Psychology presents a multidisciplinary approach to a biopsychosocial, translational model of psychological treatment across the lifespan. It describes cutting-edge research across developmental, clinical, counseling, and school psychology; social work; neuroscience; and psychopharmacology. The Handbook emphasizes the development of individual differences in resilience and mental health
concerns including social, environmental, and epigenetic influences across the lifespan, particularly during childhood. Authors offer detailed discussions that expand on areas of research and practice that already have a substantive research base such as self-regulation, resilience, defining evidence-based treatment, and
describing client-related variables that influence treatment processes. Chapters in newer areas of research are also included (e.g., neuroimaging, medications as adjuncts to psychological treatment, and the placebo effect). Additionally, authors address treatment outcomes such as evaluating therapist effectiveness, assessing outcomes from different perspectives, and determining the length of treatment necessary to attain clinical improvement. The Handbook provides an entree to
the research as well as hands-on guidance and suggestions for practice and oversight, making it a valuable resource for graduate students, practitioners, researchers, and agencies alike.


Section 1 Introduction

Chapter 1 Treatment processes and outcomes in psychology: A multidisciplinary, biopsychosocial approach
Sara Maltzman

Section 2 Biopsychosocial Influences

Chapter 2 Temperament and personality
Maria A. Gartstein, Samuel Putnam, Elaine N. Aron, and Mary K. Rothbart

Chapter 3 Self-Regulatory Processes in Early Development
Marjorie Beeghly, Bruce Perry, and Edward Tronick

Chapter 4 Socio-cultural contexts and stressors
Wendi S. Williams, Amy Ginsberg, and Brittany Mandryk

Chapter 5 Immune system functioning and mental health: Implications for assessment and treatment in counseling and psychotherapy
Colin Jenney and Angela Liegey Dougall

Section 3 Therapist Variables

Chapter 6 Therapist characteristics and interventions: Enhancing alliance and involvement with youth
Krister W. Fjermestad, Bryce D. McLeod, Carrie B. Tully, and Juliette Liber

Chapter 7 Therapist characteristics and strategies for enhancing the therapeutic alliance and treatment outcomes with adults
Kevin M. Laska and Samuel S. Nordberg

Chapter 8 Therapist Self-Care to Mitigate Secondary Traumatization
Nehami Baum

Chapter 9 Mental Health Professionals Working in a Shared Traumatic Reality
Nehami Baum

Section 4 Process Variables in Treatment

Chapter 10 Client, therapist, and treatment variables: Client-therapist "matching"
Satoko Kimpara, Hannah Holt, Julianne Alsante, and Larry E. Beutler

Chapter 11 Potential obstacles to treatment success in adults: Client characteristics
James F. Boswell, Michael Constantino, and Lisa Anderson

Chapter 12 Attachment as moderator variable in counseling and psychotherapy with adults
Cheri L. Marmarosh and Michelle Wallace

Chapter 13 Collaborative/Therapeutic assessment: Procedures to enhance client outcomes
Filippo Aschieri, Francesca Fantini, and Justin Dean Smith

Section 5 Treatment

Chapter 14 Evaluating treatments and interventions: What constitutes "evidence-based" treatment?
Lisa Jobe-Shields, Amanda Costello, Carrie Jackson, and Rochelle F. Hanson

Chapter 15 Fidelity with flexibility: Treatment acceptability and individualized adaptations of evidence-supported treatments
Lisa Sanetti, Melissa Collier-Meek, and Lindsay Fallon

Chapter 16 Prevention as Treatment: Enhancing resilience in high-risk children
Karol L. Kumpfer and Catia Magalhaes

Chapter 17 Enhancing positive adaptation, well-being, and psychosocial functioning in children by promoting positive parenting
Abigail Gewirtz and Kate Gliske

Chapter 18 Treating the child and adolescent in the family and social context
John E. Lochman, Nicole Powell, Caroline Boxmeyer, Meghan L. Sallee, Casey Dillon, and Cameron Powe

Chapter 19 Career Counseling with Adults: Theories, Interventions, and Populations
Jo-Ida C. Hansen

Section 6 Mechanisms of Change

Chapter 20 Conceptualizing placebo as active component and adjunct in psychological treatment
Martina Amanzio and Sara Palermo

Chapter 21 Pharmacological adjuncts and evidence supported treatments for trauma: The role of psychotropic medications in enhancing treatment effectiveness
Nina Karpova

Section 7 Treatment Goals and Assessment of Treatment Outcomes

Chapter 22 Client and Therapist reports: Symptom reduction, functional improvement, and the therapeutic alliance
Rolf Holmqvist

Chapter 23 Dose response and the shape of change
Stevan Lars Nielsen, Russell J. Bailey, Dianne L. Nielsen, and Tyler R. Pedersen

Chapter 24 Treatment modalities: Comparing treatment outcomes and therapeutic processes in individual, family, and group counseling and psychotherapy
D. Martin Kivlighan, III, and Dennis M. Kivlighan, Jr.

Chapter 25 Neuro-imaging promises and caveats: Methodological issues and implications for research in psychological disorders and treatments
Allison Nugent and Maura Furey

Section 8 Conclusions

Chapter 26 A multidisciplinary, biopsychosocial approach to treatment: Implications for research and practice
Sara Maltzman


ISBN-13: 9780199739134
Publisher: Oxford University Press (Oxford University Press Inc)
Publication date: August, 2016
Pages: 592
Dimensions: 178.00 x 259.00 x 37.00
Weight: 1244g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Psychology
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