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The Oxford Handbook of Mood Disorders
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The most comprehensive volume of its kind, The Oxford Handbook of Mood Disorders provides detailed coverage of the characterization, understanding, and treatment of mood disorders. Chapters are written by the world's leading experts in their respective areas. The Handbook provides coverage of unipolar depression, bipolar disorder, and variants of these disorders. Current approaches to classifying the mood disorders are reviewed and contemporary controversies
are placed in historical context. Chapter authors offer a variety of approaches to understanding the heterogeneity of the experiences of those who meet criteria for mood disorders, both within and across cultures. The role of genetic and environmental risk factors as well as premorbid personality and
cognitive processes in the development of mood pathology are detailed. Interpersonal, neurobiological, and psychological factors also receive detailed consideration. The volume reviews mood disorders in special populations (e.g., postpartum and seasonal mood disorders) as well as common comorbidities (e.g., anxiety, substance use disorders). Somatic and psychosocial treatment approaches receive in-depth coverage with chapters that describe and review empirical evidence regarding each of the
most influential treatment approaches. The depth and breadth offered by this Handbook make it an invaluable resource for clinicians and researchers, as well as scholars and students.


Part I. Overview

1. Introduction to Mood Disorders
Daniel R. Strunk & Robert J. DeRubeis

Part II. Phenomenology, Classification, Epidemiology, and Assessment

2. History of Depression
Allan V. Horwitz, Jerome C. Wakefield, & Lorenzo Lorenzo-Luaces

3. The Evolution of Depressive Phenotypes
Paul W. Andrews & Zachary Durisko

4. Phenomenology and Course of the Mood Disorders
Daniel R. Strunk & Katherine E. Sasso

5. Sex, Sexual Orientation, and Depression
Katie A. McLaughlin & Mark L. Hatzenbuehler

6. Suicide
Matt S. Michaels, Carol Chu, & Thomas E. Joiner, Jr.

7. Disordered Mood in Cultural-Historical Context
Andrew G. Ryder, Yue Zhao, & Yulia E. Chentsova-Dutton

8. Uncomplicated Depression as Normal Sadness: Re-thinking the Boundary between Normal and Disordered Depression
Jerome C. Wakefield, Allan V. Horwitz, & Lorenzo Lorenzo-Luaces

9. The Diagnosis and Assessment of Mood Disorders
Catherine D'Avanzato & Mark Zimmerman

Part III. Etiologic, Vulnerability, and Risk Factors

10. Genetics of Bipolar and Unipolar Disorders
Wade Berrettini & Falk W. Lohoff

11. Environmental Risk and Protection in Unipolar Depression
Scott M. Monroe & Lori F. Cummins

12. Environmental Risk and Protective Factors in Bipolar Disorder
Sheri L. Johnson, Anda Gershon, & Kaja R. Johnson

13. Cognitive Vulnerability and Unipolar Depression
Lauren B. Alloy, Lyn Y. Abramson, Jonathan P. Stange, & Rachel H. Salk

14. Personality and Depression
Jay C. Fournier & Tony Z. Tang

Part IV. Interpersonal and Intra-individual Processes

15. Interpersonal Perspectives on Depression
Mark A. Whisman

16. Information Processing in Mood Disorders
Jonathan P. Roiser & Barbara J. Sahakian

17. Neuroendocrine and Neurochemical Processes in Depression
Philip J. Cowen

18. Neuropsychological Mechanisms of Depression and Treatment
Catherine J. Harmer & Abigail Pringle

19. Neural Structure and Organization of Mood Pathology
Brianne M. Disabato, Isabelle E. Bauer, Jair C. Soares, & Yvette I. Sheline

Part V. Subtypes and sub-populations

20. Persistent Depressive Disorder
Daniel N. Klein & Sarah R. Black

21. Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder
Ellen W. Freeman

22. Seasonal Affective Disorder
Kelly J. Rohan & Jennifer N. Rough

23. Postpartum Mood Disorders
Jennifer E. McCabe-Beane & Michael W. O'Hara

24. Depression during Childhood and Adolescence
Benjamin L. Hankin

25. Bipolar Disorder during Childhood and Adolescence
Mary A. Fristad & Elizabeth A. Nick

26. Mood Disorders in Late Life
Patricia A. Arean, Eric Lenze, & Joaquin A. Anguera

Part VI. Common Comorbidities

27. Anxiety and Depression
Ayelet Meron Ruscio & Gabriela Kattan Khazanov

28. Personality Disorders and Disorders of Mood
Jennifer S. Cheavens & Sophie A. Lazarus

29. Substance Use Disorders and Disorders of Mood
Carl W. Lejuez, Laura MacPherson, & Anahi Collado-Rodriguez

30. Depressive Syndromes and Medical Comorbidities
Derek R. Hopko, Crystal C. McIndoo, & Audrey A. File

Part VII. Prevention and Treatment of Mood Disorders

31. Prevention of Depression
Steven M. Brunwasser & Judy Garber

32. Pharmacological Interventions for Depression
Richard C. Shelton

33. Pharmacotherapy of Bipolar Disorder
Jay D. Amsterdam & Janusz K. Rybakowski

34. Brain Stimulation Treatments for Depression
Mark S. George, E. Baron Short, & Suzanne E. Kerns

35. Cognitive Therapy of Depression
Daniel R. Strunk, Abby D. Adler, & Steven D. Hollon

36. Behavior Therapy of Depression
Samuel H. Hubley & Sona Dimidjian

37. Acceptance-Based Interventions
Robert D. Zettle & Suzanne R. Gird

38. Psychodynamic and Interpersonal Psychotherapies
Jacques P. Barber, Sigal Zilcha-Mano, & Michael J. Constantino

39. Humanistic and Experiential Approaches
Jeanne Watson & Alberta E. Pos

40. Self-Directed Approaches to the Treatment of Depression
Pim Cuijpers & Annet M. Kleiboer

41. Toward a Rational Model of Depression Treatment
Nicholas R. Forand, David A. Richards, Marcus J. H. Huibers, & Claudi L. H. Bockting

42. Psychosocial Approaches to the Treatment and Prevention of Bipolar Disorder
Noreen A. Reilly-Harrington



ISBN-13: 9780199973965
Publisher: Oxford University Press (Oxford University Press Inc)
Publication date: June, 2017
Pages: 560
Dimensions: 178.00 x 260.00 x 35.00
Weight: 1152g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Diseases and Disorders, Neurology, Psychology
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