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Computational Modelling of the Human Islet Amyloid Polypeptide
Series: Springer Theses
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Main description:

The thesis presents research on human islet amyloid polypeptide (hIAPP) using computational modeling, offering readers a comprehensive introduction to amyloid proteins and the computational methods used with them. Several studies in the thesis answer difficult questions, which promote future research into the properties of amyloid proteins. Understanding the experimental literature has enabled the results to be critically assessed and compared to both the literature and the experiments performed by other researchers, which further elevates the quality of the research.
hIAPP forms cytotoxic plaques in the pancreas, and is associated with the development of type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, one of the amyloid family of diseases, which are characterized by deposits of a particular peptide in the body. The results presented here represent a significant contribution to amyloid research, especially with regard to the origin of cytotoxicity and to developing technologies for early detection. Amyloid proteins are highly complex, and this research provides unparalleled insights, revealing in detail the molecular mechanisms behind hIAPP behavior.


Nominated as an outstanding PhD thesis by Aarhus University, Denmark


Provides a comprehensive review of the general amyloid literature, in particular that on human islet amyloid polypeptide


Includes detailed illustrations, which significantly aid in the understanding of amyloid proteins and the research presented


Combines theoretical and experimental research to deliver a high-impact, high-quality contribution

Back cover:

The thesis presents research on human islet amyloid polypeptide (hIAPP) using computational modeling, offering readers a comprehensive introduction to amyloid proteins and the computational methods used with them. Several studies in the thesis answer difficult questions, which promote future research into the properties of amyloid proteins. Understanding the experimental literature has enabled the results to be critically assessed and compared to both the literature and the experiments performed by other researchers, which further elevates the quality of the research.
hIAPP forms cytotoxic plaques in the pancreas, and is associated with the development of type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, one of the amyloid family of diseases, which are characterized by deposits of a particular peptide in the body. The results presented here represent a significant contribution to amyloid research, especially with regard to the origin of cytotoxicity and to developing technologies for early detection. Amyloid proteins are highly complex, and this research provides unparalleled insights, revealing in detail the molecular mechanisms behind hIAPP behavior.


Amyloid and Amyloid Fibrils.- Computational Theory.- Imaging Agent Binding to Amyloid Protofibrils.- Determining the Aggregation Prone Structure of hiAPP.- Effect of Terminal Capping on Aggregation of Peptide Fragments.- Coarse Grained Study of Amyloid Protofibril Aggregation.- Conclusion and Perspectives.


ISBN-13: 9783319200392
Publisher: Springer (Springer International Publishing)
Publication date: January, 2016
Pages: 159
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Biochemistry
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