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Essential Urology
A Guide to Clinical Practice
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Main description:

Extensively revised and updated, the second edition of Essential Urology: A Guide to Clinical Practice provides support to primary care physicians through its review of common genitourinary problems. This edition continues to provide the primary care physician with tools to better recognize urological diseases as well as updated management strategies for these disorders. To enhance the theme of comprehensive care and family medicine, the volume is formatted according to the life cycle and the urological challenges, which may be detected and diagnosed by primary care physicians respective of the patient's stage in life, beginning with pregnancy and in utero diagnoses. Pediatric themes such as infection and voiding dysfunctions are followed by adult urological topics ranging from prostate diseases, nephrolithiasis, overactive bladder syndromes, incontinence and urological cancer screening. Three new chapters are added addressing male infertility/andrology and the growing demand for integrative and alternative medical care of urologic patients, as well as commonly encountered dermatological problems in the genital area.

Essential Urology: A Guide to Clinical Practice, Second Edition is extremely comprehensive and yet, very accessible. It is authored by experts representing the spectrum of urological subspecialties, further enhancing the value of this unique work.


Chapter 1: Pediatric Potpourri
Jonathan H. Ross

Chapter 2: Urinary Tract Infections in Children
Richard W. Grady

Chapter 3: Screening and Early Detection for Genitourinary Cancer
Jeannette M. Potts

Chapter 4: Basic Imaging in Urology
Martin B. Richman
George Stern

Chapter 5: Hematuria
Mark J. Noble

Chapter 6: Evaluation and Medical Management of Kidney Stones
Mitchell R. Humphreys

Chapter 7: Management of Urological Problems During Pregnancy: A Rationale and Strategy
Kevin R. Loughlin

Chapter 8: Female Urinary Incontinence
Christopher K. Payne

Chapter 9: Interstitial Cystitis
Jason P. Gilleran
Kenneth M. Peters

Chapter 10: Urinary Tract Infection: Beyond Uncomplicated Cystitis
Christopher K. Payne
Jeannette M. Potts

Chapter 11: Prostatitis and Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome
Jeannette M. Potts

Chapter 12: Gentiourinary Dermatology (GU Dermatology)
Kenneth J. Tomecki
Emily Catherine Keller

Chapter 13: Male Infertility
Jonathan A. Wu
Michael L. Eisenberg

Chapter 14: Evaluation and Treatment of Male Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms
Christopher S. Elliott
Christopher K. Payne

Chapter 15: Sexual Dysfunction
Jeannette M. Potts

Chapter 16: Integrative Medicine in Urology
Ragi Doggweiler


ISBN-13: 9781627030915
Publisher: Springer (Humana Press Inc.)
Publication date: November, 2012
Pages: 318
Weight: 842g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: General Practice, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Plastic/Reconstructive & Aesthetic, Urology
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