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Active Surveillance for Localized Prostate Cancer
A New Paradigm for Clinical Management
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Main description:

Active Surveillance for Localized Prostate Cancer: A New Paradigm for Clinical Management will serve as a useful resource for physicians dealing with, and interested in, this complex and evolving branch of prostate cancer management.  The book will also be of interest to scientifically literate patients and their families.   The volume provides an introduction to the concept of active surveillance in oncology in general and prostate cancer specifically. The primary focus is to provide a comprehensive guide to the management of patients on surveillance. The volume covers the many complexities and nuances to this approach including, patient selection, risk assessment, how to overcome 'cancer hysteria' when counseling patients, identifying appropriate triggers for intervention, use of PSA kinetics and MR imaging information, technique and frequency of biopsies, secondary prevention interventions, and the relative roles of surveillance and focal therapy.


A comprehensive guide to the management of patients on surveillance

Covers the roles of surveillance and focal therapy

Authored by recognized experts in their respective fields

Back cover:

Active Surveillance for Localized Prostate Cancer: A New Paradigm for Clinical Management will serve as a useful resource for physicians dealing with, and interested in, this complex and evolving branch of prostate cancer management.  The book will also be of interest to scientifically literate patients and their families.   The volume provides an introduction to the concept of active surveillance in oncology in general and prostate cancer specifically. The primary focus is to provide a comprehensive guide to the management of patients on surveillance. The volume covers the many complexities and nuances to this approach including, patient selection, risk assessment, how to overcome 'cancer hysteria' when counseling patients, identifying appropriate triggers for intervention, use of PSA kinetics and MR imaging information, technique and frequency of biopsies, secondary prevention interventions, and the relative roles of surveillance and focal therapy.


Chapter 1. The Problem of Cancer Overdiagnosis and Overtreatment
by Laurence Klotz
Chapter 2. Patient Selection for Active Surveillance
by John Eifler and H. Ballentine Carter
Chapter 3. Predicting High Risk Disease Using Tissue Biomarkers
by Michael J. Donovan and Carlos Cordon-Cardo
Chapter 4. Predicting High Risk Disease Using Serum and DNA Biomarkers
by Danny Vesprini and Robert Nam
Chapter 5. Triggers for Intervention in Men on Surveillance
by S.Y. Jackie Sham and Chris Parker
Chapter 6. The Role of MRI in Active Surveillance
by Caroline M. Moore, Clare Allen, Mark Emberton
Chapter 7. Active Surveillance:  The European Experience
by Meelan Bul, Monique J. Roobol and Chris H. Bangma
Chapter 8. Active Surveillance:  The Canadian Experience
by Laurence Klotz
Chapter 9. Psychosocial Aspects of Active Surveillance
by Meredith Wallace Kazer, Dwanna M. Ward-Boahen, David M. Latini, Donald E. Bailey, Jr.
Chapter 10. Statistical Considerations for Patient Selection and Triggers for Intervention in Active Surveillance
by Andrew J. Vickers
Chapter 11. Interpreting PSA Kinetics using GLMM Technique
by Liying Zhang and Laurence Klotz
Chapter 12. The Potential Benefits of Diet and Physical Activity among Active Surveillance Patients with Low-Burden Prostate Cancer
by Stacey A. Kenfield, J. Kellogg Parsons, June M. Chan
Chapter 13. The Role of 5α-Reductase Inhibitors (5-ARIs) in Expectant Management of Low Risk Prostate Cancer
by David Margel and Neil Fleshner
Chapter 14. Urologists’ Opinion on Active Surveillance: United States vs. the Netherlands
by Lionne D.F. Venderbos, Chris H. Bangma, Ida J. Korfage
Chapter 15. Clinical ‘Pearls’ in Managing Patients on Surveillance
by Laurence Klotz
Chapter 16. Active Surveillance, Focal Therapy and the Future
by Mark Emberton
Chapter 17. The Economics of Active Surveillance for Prostate Cancer
by Marc A. Dall’Era and Christopher P. Evans
Chapter 18. The Future of Active Surveillance
by Sima P. Porten, Jared M. Whitson, Peter R. Carroll


ISBN-13: 9781617799112
Publisher: Springer (Humana Press)
Publication date: June, 2012
Pages: 219
Weight: 616g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Geriatrics, Oncology, Radiology, Urology
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From the reviews:

“The concept of active surveillance (AS) was developed by Klotz, with the aim of limiting the risk of overtreatment in patients with low-risk cancers, while providing timely radical treatment for those requiring it. Currently, this concept is supported by an increasing number of urologists. … This excellent overview dedicated to AS fills a lack in the literature. … this textbook can be recommended to all physicians involved in prostate cancer management.” (European Urology Today, Vol. 25 (2), March-May, 2013)

“This book summarizes the current worldwide experience with active surveillance for prostate cancer. … this book is appropriate for primary care physicians, surgeons, medical oncologists, radiation oncologists, pathologists, radiologists, psychiatrists, and psychologists. Furthermore, it would be valuable to the general audience and patients as it clearly describes the role and implications of active surveillance in the treatment of prostate cancer. … I strongly recommend this book to any clinician whose practice involves the treatment of patients with prostate cancer in any capacity.” (Sanjay Kasturi, Doody’s Book Reviews, October, 2012)