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Urethral Reconstructive Surgery
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Main description:

Urethral injury may be of secondary importance when the patient comes into the emergency room, but devastating urological complications, such as sexual dysfunction, incontinence, and stricture, may drastically impair quality of life in the long term. This book provides a comprehensive review of adult urethral reconstructive surgery. It evaluates complex urethral problems and includes practical aspects of wound healing and applicable plastic surgical techniques.


Comprehensive review of adult urethral reconstructive surgery

Evaluates complex urethral problems

Provides practical aspects of wound healing and applicable plastic surgical techniques

Practical, functions as a surgical atlas for the evaluation and management of urethral stricture disease

Back cover:

Urethral reconstructive surgery can often be complex, time consuming and demanding. Enlightening urologists in a practical manner, Urethral Reconstructive Surgery evaluates and manages complex urethral problems. Written by a panel of experts in the field, Urethral Reconstructive Surgery offers the anatomy of the urethra and the aspects of wound healing and applicable plastic surgical techniques. A practical and comprehensive review, Dr. Brandes and his contributors focus on the methods for evaluating the extent and degree of urethral stricture and the decision making process.


Chapter 1: Genital Skin and Urethral Anatomy, Peter A Humphrey

Chapter 2: Vascular Anatomy of Genital Skin and the Urethra: Implications for Urethral Reconstruction, Steven B Brandes

Chapter 3: Lichen Sclerosis, Ramón Virasoro, Gerald H. Jordan

Chapter 4: Imaging of the Male Urethra, Christine M. Peterson, MD, Christine O. Menias, MD, Cary L. Siegel

Chapter 5: Techniques in Tissue Transfer: Plastic Surgery for the Urologist, Tommy Tung and Christopher M Nichols

Chapter 6: Epidemiology, Etiology, Histology, Classification and Economic Impact of Urethral Stricture Disease, Steven B Brandes

Chapter 7: Urethrotomy and other Minimally Invasive Interventions for Urethral Stricture, Chris F Heyns

Chapter 8: Endourethral Prostheses for Urethral Stricture, Daniel Yachia, Zeljko Markovic

Chapter 9: Fossa Navicularis and Meatal Reconstruction, Noel A. Armenakas

Chapter 10: Stricture Excision and Primary Anastomosis for Anterior Urethral Strictures, Reynaldo G Gomez

Chapter 11: Buccal Mucosal Graft Urethroplasty, Guido Barbagli

Chapter 12: Lingual and Posterior Auricular Skin Grafts, Steven B Brandes

Chapter 13: Augmented Anastomotic Urethroplasty, Neil D. Sherman, George D. Webster

Chapter 14: Penile Skin Flaps for Urethral Reconstruction, Sean P. Elliot, Jack W McAninch

Chapter 15: Pan-urethral Strictures, Steven B Brandes

Chapter 16: The Combined Use of Fasciocutaneous, Muscular and Myocutaneous Flaps and Graft Onlays in Urethral Reconstruction, Leonard N Zinman

Chapter 17: Posterior Urethral Strictures, Anthony R. Mundy, D. E. Andrich

Chapter 18: Staged Urethroplasty, Michael Coburn

Chapter 19: Complications of Urethroplasty, Hosam S. Al-Qudah, Rich A. Santucci

Chapter 20: Post Prostatectomy Strictures, James K. Kuan, Hunter Wessels

Chapter 21: Urethral Stricture and Urethroplasty in the Pelvic Irradiated Patient, Kennon Miller, Daniel Kaplon, Steven B Brandes

Chapter 22: Complex Rectourinary and Vesicoperineal Fistulas, Steven B Brandes

Chapter 23: Reconstruction of Failed Urethroplasty, Steve W. Waxman, Allen F. Morey

Chapter 24: Urethral Stent Complications and Methods for Explantation, Steven B Brandes

Chapter 25: Reoperative Hypospadias Surgery and Management of Complications, Douglas E Coplen

Chapter 26: Use of Omentum in Urethral Reconstruction, Steven B Brandes

Chapter 27: Female Urethral Reconstruction, Jason Anast, Steven B Brandes, Carl Klutke

Chapter 28: Follow-up Strategies after Urethrotomy, Chris F Heyns

Chapter 29: General Technical Considerations and Decision Making in Urethroplasty Surgery, Steven B Brandes

Chapter 30: Tissue Engineering of the Urethra, Anthony Atala

Chapter 31: History of Urethral Stricture and its Management from the 18th to 20th Century, Steven B Brandes, Chris F Heyns


ISBN-13: 9781617377938
Publisher: Springer (Humana Press)
Publication date: October, 2010
Pages: 393
Weight: 814g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Critical Care Medicine, Plastic/Reconstructive & Aesthetic, Urology
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Average Rating 

From the reviews:

“This book will definitely be of interest to those urologists who have a specific interest in urethral reconstructive surgery. It covers all aspects of urethral stricture disease and has insightful chapters about the economic impact of stricture disease and the logistics and outcome from urethral dilatation and endoscopic urethrotomy, as alternatives to reconstructive surgery. … There are useful tips and tricks describing what the authors do in particular operative situations including positioning, instrumentation used and postoperative care.” (Steve Payne, Urology News, Vol. 15 (1), November/December, 2010)