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Management of Castration Resistant Prostate Cancer
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Main description:

This volume provides new data about the molecular biology of CRPC and a review of the definition, staging and prognostic factors that define CRPC. The book features an in depth review of proven therapeutic options, including bone targeted therapies, immunotherapy, chemotherapy and hormonal based therapies. Combination therapy as well as novel targeted approaches presently under investigations are also reviewed. The text provides up to date guidelines and algorithms for the management of CRPC based on international guidelines presently available as well as evidence based medicine.

As a concise yet comprehensive summary of the current status of the field, Management of Castration Resistant Prostate Cancer serves as a very useful resource for physicians and researchers dealing with this challenging malignancy.


All chapters are written by experts in their fields

Provides up to date guidelines and algorithms for management

Provides a concise yet comprehensive summary of the current status of the field

Back cover:

This volume provides new data about the molecular biology of CRPC and a review of the definition, staging and prognostic factors that define CRPC. The book features an in-depth review of proven therapeutic options, including bone-targeted therapies, immunotherapy, chemotherapy and hormonal based therapies. Combination therapy as well as novel targeted approaches presently under investigation are also reviewed. The text provides up-to-date guidelines and algorithms for the management of CRPC based on international guidelines presently available as well as evidence-based medicine.

As a concise yet comprehensive summary of the current status of the field, Management of Castration Resistant Prostate Cancer serves as a very useful resource for physicians and researchers dealing with this challenging malignancy.


Part I. Castrate-Resistant Prostate Cancer: Clinical and Biological Considerations

Chapter 1 - Introduction - Castration Resistant Prostate Cancer: A Rapidly Expanding Clinical State and a Model for New Therapeutic Opportunities - Mario A. Eisenberger and Fred Saad

Chapter 2. Evolution of Clinical States and the Castration Resistant Clinical Paradigm - Tian Zhang and Andrew J. Armstrong

Chapter 3. Molecular Mechanisms of Prostate Cancer Progression after Castration - William G. Nelson and Kenneth J. Pienta

Chapter 4. New Imaging Modalities - Steve Y. Cho, Seyed S. Dianat and Katarzyna Macura

Part II. TREATMENT - The Androgen Receptor Signaling Axis biology and Therapeutic Opportunities, Systemic Chemotherapy, Immunotherapy, Bone Targeted Approaches and Radiopharmaceuticals

Chapter 5. Androgen Receptor Biology in Castration Resistant Prostate Cancer - Heather H. Cheng and Bruce Montgomery

Chapter 6. The Androgen Receptor as a Therapeutic Target for Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer - Jarett L. Feldman, Dana Rathkopf and Michael J. Morris

Chapter 7. Approaches Targeting Androgen Synthesis (CYP 17 inhibitors) - Adam Siegel and Charles J. Ryan

Chapter 8. Cytotoxic Chemotherapy (Taxanes and Taxane Combinations) - Robert J. van Soest, Ellen S. de Morrée, Cora N. Sternberg and Ronald de Wit

Chapter 9. The Emerging Role of Immunotherapy in Castrate Resistant Prostate Cancer - Romulado Barroso-Sousa and Charles G. Drake

Chapter 10. Bone Targeted Therapy: Rationale and Current Status - Benjamin A. Gartrell and Fred Saad

Chapter 11. Radium-223 and Other Radiopharmaceuticals in Prostate Cancer - Oliver Sartor and Brian Lewis

Part III. New Drug Development: Clinical Trials Design in CRPC

Chapter 12. Introduction - Aurelius Omlin, Carmel Pezaro and Johann S. de Bono

Chapter 13. Phase I/II targeted treatments - Aurelius Omlin, Carmel Pezaro and Johann S. de Bono

Chapter 14. Defining Clinical Endpoints in Castration-resistant Prostate Cancer - Jorge A. Garcia and Robert Dreicer

Part IV. New Drug Development: Specific Targets

Chapter 15. Angiogenesis Inhibition in Castration Resistant Prostate Cancer - Daniel J. George, William Kelly and Aaron Mitchell

Chapter 16. Co-targeting Adaptive Survival Pathways - Amina Zoubeidi and Martin Gleave

Chapter 17. Targeting the PI3K/AKT/mTOR Pathway in Prostate Cancer - Hans J. Hammers and Emmanuel S. Antonarakis

Chapter 18. PARP Inhibitors - Joaquin Mateo, Timothy A. Yap and Johann S. De Bono

Chapter 19. Targeting C-Met/VEGF in Castration Resistant Prostate Cancer - Petros D. Grivas and David C. Smith

Chapter 20. Epigenetics in Castration Resistant Prostate Cancer - Leigh Ellis, Sheng-Yu Ku, Elena Lasorsa and Roberto Pili

Chapter 21. Undifferentiated Prostate Cancer and the Neuroendocrine Phenotype - Himisha Beltran, Gurveen Kaur, Myriam Kossai, David M. Nanus and Scott T. Tagawa

Part V. Clinical Management Aspects

Chapter 22. Strategies Addressing Quality of Life: Patient Reported Outcome and Symptoms Management - Channing J. Paller and Thomas J. Smith

Chapter 23. Evidence-Based Therapeutic Approaches for mCRPC patients: Rational Sequence of Standard Treatment Options and Design for Future Drug Development - Jacob A. Martin and William K. Oh


ISBN-13: 9781493924301
Publisher: Springer (Springer New York)
Publication date: May, 2015
Pages: 337
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Oncology, Radiology, Urology


Fred Saad, MD, FRCS
Professor and Chief of Urology, Director of GU Oncology, University of Montreal Endowed Chair in Prostate Cancer, University of Montreal Hospital Center, Department of Surgery, Division of Urology, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

Mario A. Eisenberger, MD
R. Dale Hughes Professor of Oncology and Urology, The Johns Hopkins University, Department of Oncology, The Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center, Baltimore, MD, USA.

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From the book reviews:

“This volume in the Current Clinical Urology series focuses on the management of castration resistant prostate cancer (CRPC), providing an important reference for medical oncologists, urologists, and radiation oncologists. The authors successfully update the biology and clinical aspects of CRPC management. … This book sets out the most current knowledge about the management of CRPC, a fascinating area in clinical urology. It should be part of the library of any clinician or basic scientist dealing with prostate cancer.” (Jianqing Lin, Doody’s Book Reviews, November, 2014)