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Main description:
Now in its second edition, Modern Hematology: Biology and Clinical Management reflects the major advances in the understanding, diagnosis, and treatment of blood disorders. It describes the latest clinical and scientific developments as well as details targeted and molecular therapies. The book brings together facts, concepts, and protocols important for the practice of hematology. In 23 chapters, all major blood diseases are covered, as well as rare diseases that are of scientific interest. As in the previous edition, each chapter is illustrated by tables, figures, and a selection of color plates.
1. Basic Biology of Hemopoiesis
Reinhold Munker
2. Molecular Biology and Cytokines
Reinhold Munker and Amanda Sun
3. Supportive Care in Hematology
John Hiemenz and Reinhold Munker
4. Transplantation of Stem Cells from Bone Marrow, Blood and the Umbilical Cord
Ronald Paquette and Reinhold Munker
5. Anemias: General Considerations, Microcytic, and Megaloblastic Anemias
Reinhold Munker
6. Hemolytic Anemias
Reinhold Munker, Ali Mansouri, Snehalata C. Gupte, and Vishwas Sakhalkar
7. Leukocytosis, Leukopenia, and Other Changes of the Myeloid Series
Reinhold Munker
8. The Myeloproliferative Syndromes
Ronald Paquette, Erhard Hiller, and Reinhold Munker
9. Acute Myelogenous Leukemias
Reinhold Munker
10. Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemias
Reinhold Munker and Vishwas Sakhalkar
11. Myelodysplastic Syndromes
Ronald Paquette and Reinhold Munker
12. Aplastic Anemias
Ronald Paquette and Reinhold Munker
13. Lymphocytosis, Lymphopenia, Lymphadenopathy, and Splenomegaly
Reinhold Munker
14. Hodgkin's Lymphoma
Erhard Hiller and Reinhold Munker
15. The Non-Hodgkin Lymphomas
Reinhold Munker, Jay Marion, Gang Ye, and Martin H. Dreyling
16. Multiple Myeloma and Related Paraproteinemias
Jonathan Glass and Reinhold Munker
17. Congenital and Acquired Immunodeficiencies
Vishwas Sakhalkar and Reinhold Munker
18. Infections Relevant to Hematology
Reinhold Munker
19. Basic Principles of Hemostasis
Erhard Hiller
20. Bleeding Disorders
Erhard Hiller
21. Thrombophilia, Thromboembolic Disease, and Antithrombotic Therapy Erhard Hiller
22. Transfusion Medicine and Immunohematology
Grace Tenorio, Snehalata C. Gupte, and Reinhold Munker
23. Storage Disorders in Hematology
Reinhold Munker
1) Glossary of Cytostatic Drugs and Targeted Therapies p
2) CD Nomenclature for Human Leukocyte Antigens p
3) Normal Laboratory Values p
4) Program Requirements for Fellowship Education in Hematology p
5) Databases in Hematology p
Publisher: Springer (Humana Press Inc.)
Publication date: February, 2007
Pages: 512
Weight: 1041g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Haematology, Oncology
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