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In agreement with SCHLENK (I78) "nucleotide" is here taken to mean a phosphoric ester of an N-glycoside of a heterocyclic base. Although they fall outside the scope of this definition, phosphorylated derivatives of riboflavin are added in recognition of their close relation to the main body of nucleotides. A complete review of even the organic chemistry of nucleotides and their derivatives would now form a substantial monograph. The smaller and less characteristic fragments of the nucleotides, namely the hetero cyclic bases, the component sugars and the derived sugar phosphates, are therefore excluded from this article. * Their chemistry is of longer standing and is covered in standard works. On the other hand knowledge of the "nucleosides", the N-glycosides of heterocyclic bases, has expanded very considerably in recent years and an account of the relevant work is therefore included. With regard to the nucleotides themselves attention is focussed on work published in the last few years leading to improved characterisation, more exact structural knowledge and increased availa biIity. Only such enzymatic experiments as bear direct1y on structural problems are discussed and therefore much fascinating work by KALCKAR, FRIEDKIN et al. and by KORN BERG has been omitted. I t would be unthinkable to present a review on nucleotides without mentioning that the foundations of the subject were laid by P. A. LEVENE. His monograph with BASS (I36) was published in 1931 and two reviews by LYTHGOE (I50, I5I) cover the intervening period until 1944.
The Fine Structure of Cellulose.- I. Plant Cell Walls.- 1. Identification of Cellulose.- a) Preparation of Cell Walls.- b) Reaction of Cellulose with Iodine.- c) The Behavior of Cellulose toward Direct Dyes and Basic Dyes.- d) Dissolution of Cellulose.- e) X-ray Analysis.- f) The Double Refraction Test.- 2. Ontogeny of Cell Walls.- a) Primary Cell Walls.- b) Secondary Cell Walls.- II. Microfibrils.- 1. Occurrence of Microfibrils.- a) Parallel Texture of Secondary Walls in Natural Fibers.- b) Woven Texture of Primary Walls.- c) Cellulose Slimes.- d) Bacterial Cellulose.- 2. Internal Structure of Microfibrils.- a) No Visible Segmentation.- b) Lamination.- c) Cristallinity.- d) Intermicellar Spaces.- III. Conclusions.- References.- Bacterial Dextrans.- I. Introduction.- II. Historical.- III. The genus Leuconostoc.- 1. Classification.- 2. Growth Factors.- 3. Dextran Formation in Leuconostoc Cultures.- 4. Enzymic Synthesis of Dextran.- 5. Serologie of Leuconostoc.- IV. Derivatives of Dextran.- V. Structure of Dextrans.- VI. Physico-chemical Studies of Dextran.- 1. The Macro Molecule.- 2. Partial Hydrolysis.- 3. Fractionation.- 4. Ultracentrifugal Studies.- 5. Adsorption Analysis.- VII. Dextran in Blood Transfusion.- VIII. Conclusion.- References.- Sugar Phosphates.- I. Preparation of Sugar Phosphates.- Isolation from Natural Sources.- Preparation of Synthetic Esters.- Phosphorylation of the Hemiacetalic Hydroxyl.- Phosphorylation of Alcoholic Hydroxyls.- Phosphorylation of Sugar Anhydrides.- Phosphorylations Followed by Group Migration.- II. Determination of the Structure of Sugar Phosphates.- The Identification of the Carbohydrate Component.- The Position of the Phosphates Group.- Periodate Oxidation.- The Structure of Sugar Phosphates in Solution.- III. Hydrolysis of Phosphoric Esters.- Acid Hydrolysis of Aldose-I-phosphates.- Acid Hydrolysis of the Phosphates at the Alcoholic Groups.- Alkaline Hydrolysis.- Inversion During Hydrolysis.- IV. The Acid Strength of Sugar Phosphates.- V. Methods of Estimation and Identification.- VI. The Coenzymatic Action of Some Esters.- VII. Pentose Phosphates.- Ribose Phosphates.- Ribose-1-phosphate.- Desoxyribose-1-phosphate.- Ribose-3-phosphate.- Ribose-5-phosphate.- Arabinose Phosphates.- D-Arabinose-5-phosphate.- Xylose Phosphates.- D-Xylose-1-phosphate.- D-Xylose-5-phosphate.- VIII. Hexose Phosphates.- Glucose Phosphates.- ?-D-Glucose-1-phosphate (Cori Ester).- ss-D- Glu cose-1-phosphate.- ?-L- Glucose-1-phosphate.- Glucoses-2-phosphate.- Glucose-3-phosphate.- Glucoses-4-phosphate.- Glucose-5-phosphate.- Glucose-6-phosphate (Robison Ester).- Glucose-1,6-diphosphate.- Galactose Phosphates.- ?-D-Galactose-1-phosphate.- ss-Galactose-1-phosphate.- Galactose-6-phosphate.- Mannose Phosphates.- Mannose-I-phosphate.- Mannose-6-phosphate.- Fructose Phosphates.- Fructose-1-phosphate (Robison-Tanko Ester).- Fructose-3-phosphate.- Fructose-6-phosphate (Neuberg Ester).- Fructose-1,6-diphosphate (Harden-Young Ester).- Tagatose Phosphate.- D-Tagatose-6-phosphate.- Sorbose Phosphates.- L-Sorbose-1-phosphate.- L-Sorbose-6-phosphate.- IX. Disaccharide Phosphates.- Trehalose-monophosphate.- Maltose-1-phosphate.- Unidentified disaccharide-monophosphate.- X. Miscellaneous Phosphate Esters.- Methyltetrose-phosphate.- Ketoheptose-monophosphate.- References.- The Chemistry of Nucleotides.- I. Methods.- 1. Countercurrent Distribution.- 2. Ion Exchange.- 3. Paper Chromatography.- 4. Use of Physical Properties.- 5. Periodate Oxidation.- II. Ribonucleosides.- 1. Isolation.- 2. Structure.- 3. Synthesis.- a) Pyrimidine Nucleosides.- b) Purine Nucleosides.- c) Nicotinamide Nucleosides.- d) Benziminazole Nucleosides.- III. Deoxyribonucleosides.- 1. Isolation.- 2. Structure.- 3. Synthesis.- IV. Isolation and Structure of Nucleotides.- 1. Nucleotides derived from Phosphoric Acid.- a) Adenylic Acids.- b) Guanylic Acids.- c) Cytidilyc and Uridylic Acids.- d) Nucleotide from Vitamin B12.- e) Polynucleotides.- 2. Monoalkyl Esters of Polyphosphoric Acids.- 3. Dialkyl Esters of Pyrophosphoric Acid.- a) Nicotinamide Nucleotides.- b) Flavin Nucleotides.- c) The Coenzyme of "Galactowaldenase".- V. Synthesis of Nucleotides.- 1. Methods of Phosphorylation.- 2. Nucleotides derived from Phosphoric Acid.- a) 5'-Phosphates.- b) 2'- and 3'-Phosphates.- c) Dialkyl Esters of Phosphoric Acid.- 3. Mononucleotides derived from Polyphosphoric Acids.- 4. Dinucleotides derived from Pyrophosphoric Acids.- References.- Die Veilchenriechstoffe.- Begriff der Veilchenriechstoffe.- Allgemeiner Verlauf der Arbeiten uber die Veilchenriechstoffe.- I. Die Jonone.- Konstitution der Jonone.- Hydrierung der Jonone.- In der Seitenkette methylierte Jonone.- Andere Untersuchungen an den Jononen.- Vorkommen von Jononen und ihren Abkoemmlingen in Naturprodukten.- II. Die Irone.- Gewinnung des Irons.- Arbeiten von Tiemann und Kruger.- Erste Synthesen auf Grund der Formel von Tiemann und Kruger.- Tetrahydro-iron.- Diensynthesen auf Grund der Tiemannschen Formel.- Richtige Bruttoformel des Irons.- Synthese eines 6-Methyl-jonons (Gemisch ? und ss).- Oxydativer Abbau des Irons mit Ozon und Chromsaure; Hypothese der 7-Ringstruktur des Irons.- Ultraviolett-Spektrum des naturlichen Irons; Isomerisierungen.- Synthesen "ironartiger" Ketone mit 7-Ring-struktur.- Abbau des Tetrahydro-irons; Beweis der 6-Ring-struktur.- ?-Iron.- Weitere Nachweise des ?-Irons.- Argumente von Naves und Mitarbeitern zugunsten der 6-Ring-struktur des Irons; Raman-Spektren.- Anwesenheit von ?-lron im naturlichen Irongemisch.- ?-, ss- und ?-Iron aus genuinen und isomerisierten Gemischen von Natur-Iron.- Synthese von (+/-)-?- und (+/-)-ss-Iron.- Infrarot-Spektren.- Stereoisomerie-Moeglichkeiten der Irone und Hydroirone.- Stereoisomerie-(2,6) der Irone.- Stereoisomerie-(21,22) der Irone.- Vergleich der naturlichen und synthetischen Irone.- Dihydro-irone.- Tetrahydro-irone.- Weitere Ironsynthesen.- Andere Arbeiten mit Iron.- III. Die Riechstoffe des Veilchenblatter- und Veilchenblutenoels.- Veilchenblatteroel.- Veilchenblutenoel.- Synthesen von Nonadienol und Nonadienal.- IV. Geruch und Konstitution.- Empfindung und Charakterisierung der Geruche.- Gleiche Geruche bei Substanzen verschiedener chemischer Konstitution.- Geruch und Konstitution innerhalb der einzelnen Koerperklassen.- Geruch und Konstitution bei den Veilchenriechstoffen.- V. Zur Biogenese der Veilchenriechstoffe.- Hypothese uber die Biogenese der Terpen Verbindungen im allgemeinen..- Hypothesen uber die Biogenese der Veilchenriechstoffe.- Neuere Entwicklungen auf dem Gebiete der Flechtenstoffe.- I. Verbindungen der Fettreihe.- 1. Fettsauren und Laktone.- Protolichesterinsaure, Nephromopsinsaure, Nephrosterinsaure, Nephrosteransaure, Caperatsaure, Rocellsaure.- Rangiformsaure.- 2. Triterpenoide.- Zeorin.- Leukotylin.- Ursolsaure.- 3. Zuckeralkohole.- II. Verbindungen der Benzolreihe.- 1. Pulvinsaure-Derivate.- Vulpinsaure, Pinastrinsaure, Calycin.- 2. Diphenylenoxyd-Derivate.- Didiymsaure.- Strepsilin.- Usninsaure.- Usnonsaure.- Dihydro-usninsaure, Tetrahydro-desoxy-usninsaure.- Usnolsaure und Decarbusnol.- 3. Xanthon-Derivate.- Lichexanthon.- 4. Depside.- Depside der Orcin-Gruppe.- Lecanorsaure-Typus: Erythrin.- Olivetorsaure-Typus: Olivetonid.- Gyrophorsaure-Typus: Hiascinsaure.- Depside der ss-Orcin-Gruppe.- Nichtexistenz der Isosquamatsaure.- Hypothamnolsaure.- Barbatolsaure.- 5. Depsidone.- Grundskelett des Depsidons.- Depsidone der Orcin-Gruppe.- Variolarsaure.- Psoromsaure.- ?- und ss-Methylather-salazinsaure.- Chlorhaltige Depsidone.- Diploicin.- Gangaleoidin.- Pannarin.- 6. Anthrachinon- und Phenanthrenchinon-Derivate.- Magnesiumacetat als Reagens fur Polyoxyanthrachinone.- Rhodocladonsaure.- Thelephorsaure.- 7. Stickstoffhaltige Substanzen.- Pikroroccellin.- III. Biogenese der Flechtenstoffe.- IV. Antibiotische Wirkung von Flechtenstoffen.- V. Mikrochemischer Nachweis der Flechtenstoffe.- Lupinen-Alkaloide und verwandte Verbindungen.- I. Einleitung.- II. Lupinen-Alkaloide bekannter Konstitution.- 1. Bemerkungen zur Konstitutionsaufklarung.- 2. Lupinin.- 3. Anagyrin.- 4. Spartein.- 5. Lupanin.- 6. Oxylupanin.- III. Lupinen-Alkaloide unbekannter Konstitution.- IV. Verwandte Alkaloide anderer Papilionaceen oder Pflanzenfamilien.- 1. Cytisin.- 2. Aphyllin und Aphyllidin.- 3. Weitere verwandte Alkaloide (fraglicher Konstitution).- V. Versuche einer zell-moeglichen Synthese der Lupinen-Alkaloide.- VI. Pharmakologie der Lupinen-Alkaloide.- Brechwurzel-Alkaloide.- I. Einleitung.- Zur Geschichte.- Verfalschungen.- Handelssorten.- II. Zusammenhange der einzelnen Brechwurzel-Alkaloide.- III. Emetin.- 1. Konstitution.- 2. Rubremetin (Dehydroemetin).- 3. Technische Gewinnung des Emetins.- IV. Nebenalkaloide der Brechwurzel.- 1. Cephaelin.- 2. Psychotrin und O-Methylpsychotrin.- 3. Emetamin.- V. Nachweisreaktionen der Ipecacuanha-Alkaloide.- VI. Biogenetische Betrachtungen zur Konstitution des Emetins.- VII. Therapeutische Verwendung des Emetins.- VIII. Synthesen von Substanzen mit Emetin-Wirksamkeit.- X-Ray Diffraction Studies of Crystalline Amino Acids and Peptides.- I. X-Ray Analysis of Crystals in General.- 1. Outline of the X-Ray Method.- 2. The Trial Structure and the Patterson Diagram.- 3. Refinement of the Structure.- II. Studies of Crystals of Amino Acids.- 1. Glycine.- 2. DL-Alanine.- 3. L-Threonine.- III. Studies of Crystals of Peptides and Some Related Compounds.- 1. 2,5-Diketopiperazine.- 2. ss-Glycylglycine.- 3. N-Acetylglycine.- IV. Inferences Concerning Protein Structure.- References.- Some Aspects of Enzyme Chromatography.- I. General Remarks on Enzyme Chromatography.- II. Methods.- Exchange Adsorption.- "Salting out" Adsorption.- Chromatography of Enzymes on Filter Paper.- Location of Enzyme Zones on the Column by Brushing with Color Reagents.- The Treatment of Colored Enzymes and Colored Derivatives of Colorless Enzymes.- III. Chromatography as a Step in the Purification of Enzymes.- IV. The Resolution of Enzyme Mixtures by Partial Adsorption.- Amylase and Maltase.- Lichenase and Cellobiase.- Cellulase and Cellobiase.- Cellobiase and Salicinase.- Gentiobiase, Salicinase and Amygdalase.- ss-Glucosidase, ?-Galactosidase and Chitinase.- Chitinase and Chitobiase.- Chitinase, Chitobiase, ? - and ?-Phenyl-N-acetyl-D-glucosaminase, and Salicinase.- Tannase and Esterase.- Tannase and ?-Glucosidase.- Phosphorylase, Phosphatase and Phosphoglucomutase.- Dehydrogenases.- Mono- and Diphenolase.- Thiaminases.- Dipeptidase and Aminopolypeptidase.- Trypsin, Lipase, and Amylase.- V. The Use of Enzymes in the Chromatographic Treatment of Other Substances.- References.- Namenverzeichnis. Index of Names. Index des Auteurs.- Sachverzeichnis. Index of Subjects. Index des Matieres.
Publisher: Springer (Springer Verlag GmbH)
Publication date: November, 2011
Pages: None
Weight: 635g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Biochemistry, Pharmacology
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