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Grassland Beef Production
A Seminar in the CEC Programme of Coordination of Research on Beef Production, held at the Centre for European Agricultural Studies, Wye College (University of London), Ashford, Kent, UK, July 25–27, 1983
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Introductory papers.- Agricultural Research Co-Ordination in the European Community.- Technical and Economic Background to Beef Production in Britain.- French Beef Production Systems from Grassland.- Beef suckler systems.- Summer Grazing and Winter Feeding Studies with Suckler Cows.- Some Effects of Changes in Liveweight in the Autumn Calving Suckler Herd.- The Performance of Beef Cows and their Calves at Pasture.- Dairy beef systems.- Grasp — A Grassland Planning Programme for the HP41C Programmable Calculator.- The Grassland Requirements of Different Breeds in Beef Production Systems.- Effect of Grazing Method, Nitrogen Level, Supplementary Feeding and Stocking Rate on Performance of Young Grazing Bulls.- All Grass Beef.- Performance of Bulls and Steers under Similar Feeding and Management Conditions.- Storage Feeding of Beef Bulls.- Beef cattle improvement.- A Comparison of Progeny Testing of Friesian Bulls Indoors and on Pasture.- Some Considerations on Performance Testing on Pasture for European Beef Breeds.- Experimental methods.- Measurement of Grazing Behaviour and Herbage Intake on Two Different Grazing Management Systems of Beef Production.- Concentrate Supplementation of Grazing Cattle.- A Technique for Measurement of Grazing Behaviour.- The Effect of Stocking Rate and Size of Animal on Herbage Intake and Animal Performance.- Posters and short papers.- Heifer Performance on High Pastures and Digestibility of Pasture Grass.- Preventive Measures to Control Intestinal Parasites in Grazing Young Stock.- Continuous and Rotational Grazing for Beef Production.- Monensin-Sodium and Lasalocid-Sodium as Growth Promoters for Grazing Young Beef Bulls.- Conclusions.- Summary of the Final Discussion.- List of participants.


ISBN-13: 9789400960268
Publisher: Springer (Springer Netherlands)
Publication date: October, 2011
Pages: 203
Weight: 320g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Veterinary Medicine
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