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Aujeszky's Disease
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Aujeszky's disease (AD) is increasing in Europe and it has become a serious problem in some of the countries of the European Communities (EC). The control and eradication of the disease is very difficult since AD virus (ADV) evokes a persistant latent infection in its main host, the pig. Such latent infection can also occur when vaccinated pigs are exposed to the virus. In view of this, the Commission of the European Communities (CEC) thought it necessary to have a survey on the current state of knowledge on AD and ADV. Therefore, a seminar was organised by the Federal Research Institute for Animal Virus Diseases in Tubingen, Federal Republic of Germany, and held there on June 9 and 10, 1981. The seminar was a part of the 'Animal Pathology Programme' of the CEC. The seminar was attended by 44 participants from the countries of the EC, and 29 papers were presented which covered a wide field of research on AD: properties of the virus, diagnostic procedures, immunity and pathogenesis, vaccination, latent infection, epidemiology, control and eradication. Scientists from differ ent institutes in the EC who have been working on AD thus had the oppor tunity to exchange their knowledge as well as to give and receive impetus for further scientific work. Furthermore, many details were given which are of interest for the veterinary authorities with regard to control and eradication of AD.


Session I: Properties of The Virus.- Differentiation of Aujeszky's Disease Virus Strains by Restriction Endonuclease Analysis of the Viral DNAs.- The Genomes of Different Field Isolates of Aujeszky's Disease Virus.- General Discussion.- Antigenic Components of Aujeszky's Disease Virus.- Discussion.- Characteristics of Field and Modified Aujeszky's Disease Virus Strains.- Discussion.- Session II: Diagnostic Procedures.- Complement-Dependent Neutralisation of Aujeszky's Disease Virus by Antibody.- Comparative Evaluation of 'Elisa' and Neutralisation Test for the Diagnosis of Aujeszky's Disease.- Influence of Vaccination With Modified Live Vaccine on the Laboratory Diagnosis of Aujeszky's Disease.- Serological Diagnosis Of Aujeszky's Disease Using Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA).- Harmonisation Between European Laboratories on the Seroneutralisation Test for Aujeszky's Disease Virus.- General Discussion.- Report of the Working Group.- Session III: Pathogenesis and Immunity.- Cellular Immunity in Aujeszky's Disease.- Precipitating Antigens Involved in Protection Against Aujeszky's Disease After Natural Infection and After Immunisation with Inactivated Vaccine.- Experimental Nasal Infection of Cattle With Aujeszky's Disease Virus (ADV).- General Discussion.- Session IV: Vaccination.- Vaccination of Cattle Against Aujeszky's Disease with Homologous (Herpes Suis) and Heterologous (Herpes Bovis I) Virus.- Immunoprophylaxis of Aujeszky's Disease In Italy.- Comparison of Intranasal and Parenteral Vaccination Against Aujeszky's Disease In 12-Week-Old Pigs from Immunised Dams.- Assessment of Aujeszky's Vaccination Programme in the Republic of Ireland.- Comparative Studies with Inactivated and Attenuated Vaccines for Protection of Fattening Pigs.- Early Protection After Vaccination Against Aujeszky's Disease.- Efficiency of An Inactivated Virus Vaccine Against Aujeszky's Disease for Fattening Pigs With or Without Passive Immunity.- General Discussion.- Session V: Latent Infection.- Detection of Aujeszky's Disease Virus and Viral Dna in Tissues of Latently Infected Pigs.- Occurrence of Clinical Aujeszky's Disease in Imunosuppressed Latently Infected Pigs.- General Discussion.- Session VI: Epidemiology, Control and Eradication.- Danish Legislative Measures for the Control of Aujeszky's Disease.- On The Epidemiology of Aujeszky's Disease in Denmark and the Possibilities of its Control.- Epidemiology and Control of Aujeszky's Disease in Great Britain.- Epidemiology and Control of Aujeszky's Disease In The Republic of Ireland.- Aujeszky's Disease: Current Situation in Belgium.- The Occurrence and Control of Aujeszky's Disease in the Federal Republic of Germany.- Experimental Aujeszky's Disease Virus Infection in Wild Swine.- Field Experience with Aujeszky's Disease in the United Kingdom.- General Discussion.- Summary and Conclusions.- List of Participants.


ISBN-13: 9789400975552
Publisher: Springer
Publication date: October, 2011
Pages: 308
Weight: 505g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Microbiology, Veterinary Medicine
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