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Manipulation of Growth in Farm Animals
A Seminar in the CEC Programme of Coordination of Research on Beef Production, held in Brussels December 13-14, 1982
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In some countries, especially on the European continent, there still exists a remarkable veal market. This type of meat production seems, irrespective of any economic forecasts, to remain unchallenged so long as consumers expect that restaurants should offer courses like "r6ti de veaux", "vitello a la casa" or "Kalbsschnitzel". Producers, at least since about the past 1-/2 decades, have been aware of the beneficial effect of anabolic agents in veal production. This is possible due to the lack of endogenous sexual hormones during the juvenile or prepuberal status of these animals. A discussion about the benefit / risk - evaluation in connection with the use of anabolic agents in general was promoted in recent years by the public. This concern occurred concomitantly with the detection of illegally treated veal calves and the occurrence of diethylstilbestrol (DES) residues in canned food containing veal. The aim of this paper is to summarize the present status of residue data in edible tissues and excreta in order to allow the evaluation of the risk (given in the paper of Hoffmann within this program) and to consider reasonable monitoring measures. We have to face the fact that without an efficient control system the illegal treatment of calves can not be excluded. Therefore, this paper will not only consider different compounds and formulations, but will also deal with practised routes of administration.


Session I.- Recent Studies on Pharmacokinetics and Residues of Anabolic Agents in Beef Cattle and Other Farm Animals.- Discussion.- Aspects on Tolerance Levels of Anabolic Agents with Sexhormone Like Activities in Edible Animal Tissues.- Discussion.- Residues and Clearance of Anabolic Agents in Veal Calves.- Discussion.- General Discussion.- Session II.- New Data on Metabolism of Anabolic Agents.- Discussion.- Recent Studies with Anabolic Agents in Steers and Bulls.- Discussion.- The Effects of Anabolic Agents on the Fibers of the L. dorsi Muscle of Male Cattle.- Discussion.- Carcass Quality of Veal Calves Given Anabolic Agents.- Effect of Immunisation against Somatostatin on Growth Rate of Lambs.- Discussion.- Immunological Castration of Young Bulls for Beef Production.- Discussion.- General Discussion.- Session III.- Endocrine Regulation of Growth in Ruminants.- Discussion.- Modes of Action in Manipulating Rumen Function.- Discussion.- The Mode of Action of Anabolic Agents with Special Reference to Their Effects on Protein Metabolism - Some Speculations.- Discussion.- Effect of Anabolic Steroids and Growth Hormone on Mammary Development in Heifers.- Discussion.- Session IV.- Photoperiodism and Hormones in Sheep and Goats.- Discussion.- Effect of Extended Photoperiod on the Growth of Sheep.- Discussion.- Hormonal and Photoperodic Control of Growth.- Discussion.- Photoperiodic Effect on Growth and Feed Consumption of Young Bulls.- Discussion.- General Discussion.- Summary and Conclusions.


ISBN-13: 9789401094849
Publisher: Springer
Publication date: May, 2012
Pages: 320
Weight: 555g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Veterinary Medicine
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