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A vector-borne disease of animals and humans
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This book is a direct result of a symposium held in December 1988, in Washington, DC, honoring Professor Emeritus Miodrag Ristic for his contributions to rickettsial disease research, in general, and, to ehrlichiosis, in particular. He and his colleagues in the United States Army Medical Research Unit brought to the world's attention an epidemic of ehrlichiosis, that occurred in German shepherd dogs during the Vietnam War. The group was able to culture the microorganism Ehrlichia canis and to fulfill Koch's postulates. They eventually developed an indirect immunofluorescent antibody (IFA) test which has been adopted internationally. The same group joined a national effort to decipher another mysterious disease known as Potomac horse fever (PHF). They used the same technology developed by Nyindo in Dr. Ristic's laboratory to isolate, characterize, and again develop a similar IFA test for PHF. Today PHF has been diagnosed, at least serologically, practically across the entire United States, in some provinces of Canada, and reports are beginning to trickle in of its occurrence in European countries. Thus, the etiologic agent of PHF, now named after Professor Ristic, Ehrlichia risticii, historically places this scientist side by side with the other 2 "R's", i. e. , Ricketts and da Rochalima. Ehrlichiosis is not limited to domestic animals. Sennetsu rickettsiosis, long known by Japanese scientists as an imitator of "infectious mononucleosis," was subsequently shown to be caused by an ehrlichial agent, through collaborative efforts among the United States Army, the University of Illinois, and Dr.


Ch. 1. The historical background and global importance of ehrlichiosis.- Ch. 2. Current status of the in-vitro cultivation of ehrlichiae.- Ch. 3. Ultrastructure of rickettsiae with special emphasis on ehrlichiae.- Ch. 4. Antigenic properties of the ehrlichiae and other rickettsiaceae.- Ch. 5. Biological properties of the genus Ehrlichia: substrate utilization and energy metabolism.- Ch. 6. Biologic and pathogenic properties of Ehrlichia visticii: the etiologic agent of equine monocytic ehrlichiosis.- Ch. 7. Pathophysiology of canine ehrlichiosis.- Ch. 8. Experimental ehrlichiosis in nonhuman primates.- Ch. 9. Human ehrlichiosis in the United States.- Ch. 10. Evolutionary history of chlamydiae: answers for some old questions, no answers for some new ones.- Ch. 11. Recent research findings on cowdriosis.- Ch. 12. Current strategies in research on ehrlichiosis.- Ch. 13. Epilogue.- Index of Subjects.


ISBN-13: 9789401073943
Publisher: Springer
Publication date: September, 2011
Pages: 180
Weight: 284g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Immunology, Microbiology, Veterinary Medicine
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