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Latent Herpes Virus Infections in Veterinary Medicine
A Seminar in the CEC Programme of Coordination of Research on Animal Pathology, held at Tubingen, Federal Republic of Germany, September 21-24, 1982
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This seminar referred to latent herpes virus infections in veterinary medicine, with emphasis on the domestic animals. The phenomenon of latency is of particular importance in veterinary medicine because it can jeopardize the successful control and eradication of diseases such as Aujeszky's disease and infectious bovine rhinotracheitis, diseases which are often the cause of great economic losses. For this reason, the Commission of the European Communities (CEC) realized the importance of summarizing the present state of knowledge on latent herpes virus infections in veterinary medicine. A seminar was therefore organized by the Federal Research Institute for Animal Virus Diseases in Ttibingen, Federal Republic of Germany, from September 21 to 23, 1982, as a part of the 'Animal Pathology Programme' of the CEC. The seminar was attended by 50 participants not only from the countries of the CEC, and 38 papers were selected for presentation. In veterinary medicine, more intensive investigations on the latency of animal herpes viruses have only relatively recently been initiated. In contrast, great efforts have been made for many years to elucidate latency in human and primate herpes viruses, and consequently the most considerable advances have been made in this field. Some of the most experienced scientists working on both systems were therefore invited. As a result, this seminar was the first occasion on which scientists from different countries and faculties investigating herpes virus latency had the opportunity to present and exchange their latest results. The.


Session I: Human, Simian and Murine Herpesviruses.- Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 Thymidine Kinase Gene Activity Controls Virus Latency and Neurovirulance in Mice.- Latency of Herpes Simplex Virus in Tree Shrew; Generation of Intertypic Recombinants of Herpes Simplex Virus in Vivo.- A Review of HSV Latency in Experimental Animals.- The Influence of Immunity, Natural Resistance and Virulence on The Persistency of Herpes Simplex Virus Following The Infection of The Non-Injured Mucous Membranes of Mice.- Differences of HSV2 Strains in Their Efficiency of Establishing Latent Infections in Ganglia of Guinea Pigs.- Herpes Simplex Virus Types 1 and 2 Genes Affecting Latency in Mouse Footpad and Sensory Ganglia.- New Results on The Biology of Epstein-Barr-Virus.- Tree Shrew Herpesvirus: Pathogenicity and Latency.- Oncogenic Herpesviruses of Non-Human Primates - Persistence of Viral DNA in Transformed Lymphoid Cells.- Characterization of Herpesvirus Saimiri and Herpesvirus Ateles Induced Proteins.- Factors Involved in Persistent Murine Cytomegalovirus Infections - A Review.- Quantitative Analysis of Activated Cytolytic T Cells Present In Vivo During Different Stages of Murine Cytomegalovirus Infection.- Session II: Bovide, Equide and Felide Herpesviruses.- DNA of Bovine IPV-Virus (BHV-1, IPV Strain) in the Sacral Ganglia of Latently Infected Calves.- On the Latency of Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis Virus Infection and its Significance, Especially with Regard to rhe Possibility of Controlling Infection.- Herpes Viruses of Bovidae: The Characterization, Grouping and Role of Different Types, Including Latent Viruses.- IBR Virus Excretion after Vaccination, Challenge, and Immunosuppression.- The Role of Latency in The Epizootiology of Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis.- Biology and Molecular Biology of Latent Bovine Herpes Virus Type 1 (BHV-1).- The Establishment of IBR-IPV Virus Latency in Cattle Following the Application of an Inactivated IBR-IPV Vaccine.- Use of Restriction Analysis for the Study of Bovid Herpesvirus 1 Latency.- Recovery of BHV2 from the Nervous System of Experimentally Infected Calves.- Caprine Herpesvirus I Infection of Young Lambs.- Malignant Catarrhal Fever Virus: A Lymphotropic Herpesvirus of Ruminants.- Studies of Persistent and Latent Equid Herpesvirus 1 and Herpesvirus 3 Infections in the Pirbright Pony Herd.- Characterization of the Feline Herpesvirus Genome and Molecular Epidemiology of Isolates from Natural Outbreaks and Latent Infections.- The Epizootiology of Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis with Particular Reference of The Nature and Role of the Carrier State.- Immunity to Felid Herpesvirus 1 a Review and Report on Recent Work.- Session III: Porcine Herpesvirus (Aujeszky's Disease-Virus).- Latency of Pseudorabies Virus.- Restriction Endonuclease Patterns of the Genome of Aujeszky's Disease Virus Isolated from Latently Infected Pigs.- Pseudorabies Virus from Clinical Outbreaks and Latent Infections Grouped into Four Major Genome Types.- The Role of the Carrier Pig in the Epidemiology of Aujeszky's Disease.- Latency of Virulent Aujeszky's Disease Virus in Pigs is not Prevented by Passive or Active Immunization.- Occurrence of Pseudorabies Virus DNA in Latently Infected Pigs.- Latency of Aujeszky's Disease Virus (ADV) Following Challenge in Previously Vaccinated Pigs.- Session IV: Avian Herpesviruses.- Ubiquity And Persistence of Marek's Disease Virus in Tumoural and Non-Tumorous Explants.- Experimental Marek's Disease in Turkeys and the Establishment of Turkey Lymphoid Cell Lines.- Persistence of Viral DNA in Marek's Disease Virus-Transformed Lymphoblastoid Cell Lines.- Latency of Pigeon Herpesvirus 1 (PHV1).- Summary.- List of Participants.


ISBN-13: 9789401089982
Publisher: Springer
Publication date: November, 2011
Pages: 528
Weight: 813g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Microbiology, Veterinary Medicine
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