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Summer Mastitis
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This Community meeting has been organised, since over the past 15 years in different countries of Western Europe including Scandinavia, a lot of research has been directed to the summer mastitis problem. Summer mastitis in cattle is a well known disease which, because of its abruptness and the difficulties concerned in defining the predisposing factors and the pathogens involved, is hard to control. Moreover, as it is anticipated that in the transmission of the bacteria one or more dipterans are involved, the complexity in defining the disease and hence co-ordinating our scientific knowledge in relation to practical control was stimulus enough for this workshop to be organised. Our aims can be summarised in the following goals: 1. Exchange of information in the practical, technical and scientific field in order to stimulate a co-ordinated research approach at a time in which the cattle husbandry sector is under great economical stress. 2. Inform research workers from countries where the disease is or seems to be, not endemic, on aspects that might be of interest for them in the approach of comparable problems. 3. To draw up conclusions and recommendations with regard to future research activities in order to avoid needless duplication of effort.


1. Epidemiology of Summer Mastitis.- The epidemiology of summer mastitis.- Summer mastitis in Irish dairy herds.- The occurrence of summer mastitis related to the foraging activities of Hydrotaea irritans (Fall.).- Heifer mastitis in Sweden during a three year period (1982 - 1985): background and some preliminary data on the incidence of heifer mastitis.- The epidemiology of summer mastitis in the Netherlands.- Factors contributing to differential risk between heifers in contracting summer mastitis.- References.- Discussion.- 2. Bacteriology of the Disease.- The bacteriology of summer mastitis.- Heifer mastitis in Sweden during a three years period (1982-1985): bacteriological findings in udder secretion from clinical and subclinical cases.- The bacteriological constitution of Dutch summer mastitis cases.- Gaschromatographic analysis of summer mastitis secretions for the presumptive diagnosis of infections by obligate anaerobic bacteria.- Summer mastitis: bacteriological aspects.- References.- Discussion.- 3. Aetiology and Pathogenesis.- Aetiology and pathogenesis of summer mastitis.- Experimental studies in transmission of summer mastitis.- A study of the aetiology of summer mastitis using experimental infections.- References.- Discussion.- 4. Transmission of the Disease.- Cattle flies and the transmission of summer mastitis.- Vector biology of flies on grazing cattle in Germany.- The fly fauna of heifers and the transmission of summer mastitis in Denmark.- Heifer mastitis in Sweden during a three year period (1982 - 1985): entomological aspects.- Chromosome and enzyme variation in Hydrotaea irritans (Fallen) (Diptera: Muscidae).- Bacterial survival and feeding pattern in Hydrotaea irritans: two essential variables for a transmission model of summer mastitis.- A culture technique for Hydrotaea irritans.- References.- Discussion.- 5. Prevention and Therapy.- The prevention and therapy of summer mastitis in Europe.- Prevention of summer mastitis by fly control: a field trial with Deltamethrin as pour-on.- The ability of insecticidal ear-tags, collars and pour-ons to control flies (Diptera: Muscidae) and to prevent summer mastitis in heifers.- Results of the control of flies and summer mastitis by using different pyrethroids and forms of application in Germany.- Prevention and therapy of summer mastitis: observations of field outbreaks in the U.K..- Chemical fly control on cattle: risks for the development of resistance.- References.- Discussion.- 6. Economics and Ergonomics.- Economic and ergonomic implications of summer mastitis.- Consequences of summer mastitis on dairy farm productivity.- Economic losses associated with summer mastitis in pregnant and non-pregnant heifers.- Summer mastitis in Belgium: geographical distribution and economic loss G. Bertels.- References.- Discussion.- 7. Conclusions and Recommendations.- List of Participants.


ISBN-13: 9789401080156
Publisher: Springer
Publication date: September, 2011
Pages: 226
Weight: 367g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Microbiology
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