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Beverage Impacts on Health and Nutrition
Second Edition
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Main description:

This comprehensive and authoritative second edition offers food scientists, nutritionists, public health specialists, and those involved in the research and development of new beverages an exhaustive survey of how common beverages impact our health and nutrition, as well as a basis for research designed to produce healthier beverages. Every year brings an improvement in our understanding of how the many types and aspects of what we drink (beverages) impact our health and a desire to understand the current state of affairs for beverage technology. There is still no new single book that provides objective reviews on the wide range of global health issues associated with alcoholic ad non-alcoholic beverages.

Beverage Impacts on Nutrition and Health, Second Edition is the single best source of reviews that describe beverage history; coffee, tea, alcohol, wine, cranberry and citrus juice, tea, coffee, dairy milk, soy milks and breast milk. Furthermore the book contains up-to-date reviews that describe beverage effects on satiety and energy balance, recommendations for persons with diabetes and metabolic syndrome, nutritional supplementation for the elderly, performance enhancement by athletes, energy drinks, and bottled water qualities. The final chapters summarize soft drink marketing issues, health effects of sugar and high fructose corn syrup, beverage ingredient functions, beverage labeling regulation and the importance of trends in beverage development.

These updated chapters are objectively written to emphasize peer-reviewed references and minimize the anecdotal references often seen in the current literature describing beverages and their impact on our health and nutrition. All chapters are authored by recognized authorities from industry, the health-care system, and universities. This book contains 24 concise and user-friendly chapters intended to enable readers to grasp the message quickly and easily.


Part 1: Introduction to Beverages

1) How Beverages Impact Health and Nutrition

Ted Wilson, Norman J. Temple

2) A Brief History of Human Beverage Consumption: Pre-History to the Present

Ted Wilson, Louis E. Grivetti

Part 2: Health Effects of Coffee, Tea, Wine, Alcohol, and Juices

3) Coffee consumption and its impact on health

Lodovica Cavalli, Alessandra Tavani

4) Health Benefits of Tea Consumption

Takuji Suzuki, Noriyuki Miyoshi, Sumio Hayakawa, Shinjiro Imai, Mamoru Isemura, Yoriyuki Nakamura

5) What are the Health Implications of Alcohol Consumption?Norman J. Temple

6) Nonalcoholic Components of Wine and Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease

Abigail J. O'Connor, Georges M. Halpern, Rosemary L. Walzem

7) Cranberry Juice: Effects on Health

Diane L. McKay, Ted Wilson

<8) Citrus Juices Health BenefitsPaul F. Cancalon

Part 3: Health Effects of Milk: Dairy, Soy and Breast

9) Effect of Cow's Milk on Human Health

Laura A.G. Armas, Cary P. Frye, Robert P. Heaney

10) Are soy-milk products viable alternatives to cow's milk?

Jayne V Woodside, Sarah Brennan, Marie Cantwell

11) Human Milk and Infant Formula: Nutritional Content and Health Benefits

James K. Friel, Wafaa A. Q


Part 4: Beverage Health Effects on Energy Balance, Diabetes, and in Older Adults

12) Beverages, satiation, satiety, and energy balance

James H Hollis

13) Beverage Considerations for Persons with Metabolic Syndrome and Diabetes Mellitus

Margaret A. Maher, Lisa Kobs

14) Oral Nutritional Supplementation Using Beverages for Older Adults

Shelley R. McDonald

Part 5: Health Effects of Sports Drinks, Energy Drinks and Water

15) Sports Beverages for Optimizing Physical Performance

Ronald J Maughan, Susan M Shirreffs

16) Energy Drinks: the Elixirs of Our Time

Frances R. Ragsdale

17) The Nutritional Value of Bottled Water

Norman J. Temple, Kathryn Alp

Part 6: Marketing of Soft Drinks and Effects of Beverage Sweeteners

18) Marketing of Soft Drinks to Children and Adolescents: Why we Need Government Policies Norman J. Temple, Kathryn Alp

19) Sugar in Beverages: Effects on Human Health

Norman J. Temple, Kathryn Alp

20) High fructose corn syrup use in beverages: Composition, manufacturing, properties, consumption, and health effects

John S. White, Theresa A. Nicklas

Part 7: Beverage Mechanics: Color, Taste, Labeling, and Ingredient Function

21) The crucial role of color in the perception of bev


Charles Spence

22) Functions of Common Beverage Ingredients

Heather N. Nelson, Kelli L. Rush, Ted Wilson

23) Labeling Requirements for Beverages in the United States

Leslie T. Krasny

Part 8: What is the Future of What We Will Chose to Drink?

24) Beverage Trends Affect Future Nutritional Health Impact

Ted Wilson, Rachel Dahl, Norman Temple


ISBN-13: 9783319236711
Publisher: Springer (Birkhauser Verlag AG)
Publication date: March, 2016
Pages: 400
Weight: 6823g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Biochemistry, Nutrition
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