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Nutrition in Infancy
Volume 1
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Main description:

Nutrition in Infancy: Volume 1 is a very useful resource for all clinicians treating and preventing nutritional problems in infants. This volume covers a wide range of topics that support wellness in infants through the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases, malnutrition, and developmental and genetic abnormalities. A variety of chapters deal with nutrients for infants with disabilities, surgery, and other special needs.

Special emphasis is provided for clinicians treating the millions of children in developing countries whose death is promoted by undernutrition or malnutrition. The next sections discuss the health benefits of supplementation and breast feeding and methods to improve use of berast feeding and it's duration. In Nutrition in Infancy: Volume 1, all of these facets of nutrition and nutritional therapy are covered in a precise and practical way. The latest developments in diagnostic procedures and nutritional support are also included. Written by a group of international experts, this volume is an indispensable new reference for clinicians with an interest in the nutrition and health of pregnant mothers and their infants.


SECTION A. Overview: Global Perspectives

1. Infant nutrition and lifelong health
Sian Robinson
Caroline Fall

2. Nutrition in Infants: Risks and Management
Rakesh Sharma

3. Nutritional concerns of Aboriginal infants and children in remote and northern Canadian communities: Problems and therapies
Noreen Willows
Malek Batal

4. Breastfeeding and infant health in the Indian subcontinent: Problems and solutions
Zaynah Tahmina Chowdhury
Melissa A. Henderson
Ronald Ross Watson

5. Infant Nutrition in the Middle East
Malek Batal
Laura Hojeij Awada

6. Complementary Local Foods For Infants In Developing Countries
Peter Orji Uvere
Henrietta Ene-Obong

7. Introduction of Complementary Foods to Infants and Ultimate Risk of Allergies
Bright Ibeabughichi Nwaru

SECTION B. Premature Infant feeding

8. The Role of Nutrition in Health and Disease in Premature Infants: Current Knowledge Gaps and Defining the Research Agenda
Margaret G. Parker
Liza Konnikova
Camilia R. Martin

9. Intestinal development and permeability: Role in nutrition of preterm infants
Sarah N. Taylor
Julie Ross
Carol L. Wagner

10. Colostrum as a therapeutic for premature infants
Nancy Rodriguez

11. Protein nutrition for the preterm infant
Christina J. Valentine

12. Parenteral Nutrition of Preterm Infants
Methods to improve safety and prevent disease
Pita Birch

13. Early parenteral nutrition and subsequent growth of premature infants

Kenneth Herrmann

Sean Woolen

SECTION C. Breast feeding: growth and health

14. Human milk oligosaccharides: Role in infant health
Evelyn Jantscher-Krenn
Lars Bode

15. The impact of infant feeding on later metabolic healthWendy Oddy
Margaret F. McHugh

16. Methods to improve use of breast feeding
Asefeh Faraz

17. Early Breastfeeding cessation in infants: Causes and solutions
Antoni Oliver

18. Salt, diet and metabolic factors affecting breastfeeding
Sergio Verd

19. Early Childhood Exposure to Environmental Tobacco Smoke and its Effects on Allergy and Asthma
Juliana Pugmire
Ronald R Watson

20. Smoking Mothers and Breastfeeding
Gonca Yilmaz
Nilgun Demirli Caylan
Candemir Karacan

21. Breast milk and risk of breast cancer
Lauren A. Wise
Linda Titus-Ernstoff

22. Storage of Human Breast Milk
James Friel
Sandra Castillo San-Juan

Milana Abramovich

SECTION D. Micronutrients and healthy infant nutritional status

23. Consequences of micronutrient deficiency and interventions to improve micronutrient status
*Frank T. Wieringa
Marjoleine A. Dijkhuizen
Jacques Berger

24. Maternal nutritional supplement: Effects on Infants
Nisreen A. Alwan
Janet E Cade

25. Food Fortification
Christine A Northrop-Clewes

26. Amino acid needs and metabolism in preterm and term infants
Willemijn E. Corpeleijn
Marijn J. Vermeulen
Johannes B. van Goudoever

27. Perinatal taurine exposure on infants
Sanya Roysommuti
J. Michael Wyss

28. Micronutrient deficiencies and treatment of infant skin problems
Sambasiviah Chidambara Murthy

29. Magnesium and infant health
Gema Ariceta

30. Vitamin K deficiency and its prevention and treatment in infants
Eugen-Matthias Strehle

31. The role of vitamin A in health of infants and vitamin A status assessment methods
Masako Fujita
Mariana Rendon


ISBN-13: 9781627032230
Publisher: Springer (Humana Press Inc.)
Publication date: December, 2012
Pages: 640
Weight: 652g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Biochemistry, Diseases and Disorders, General Practice, Nutrition, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics and Neonatal
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