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Modern Dietary Fat Intakes in Disease Promotion
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The Nutrition and Health series of books have had great success because each volume has the consistent overriding mission of providing health professionals with texts that are essential because each includes (1) a synthesis of the state of the science, (2) timely, in-depth reviews by the leading researchers in their respective ?elds, (3) extensive, up-to-date fully annotated ref- ence lists, (4) a detailed index, (5) relevant tables and ?gures, (6) identi?cation of paradigm shifts and the consequences, (7) virtually no overlap of information between chapters, but targeted, inter-chapter referrals, (8) suggestions of areas for future research, and (9) balanced, data-driven answers to patient as well as health professionals questions which are based upon the totality of evidence rather than the ?ndings of any single study. The series volumes are not the outcome of a symposium. Rather, each editor has the potential to examine a chosen area with a broad perspective, both in subject matter and in the choice of chapter authors. The editor(s), whose training(s) is (are) both research and practice oriented, has(ve) the opportunity to develop a primary objective for their book, de?ne the scope and focus, and then invite the leading authorities to be part of their initiative. The authors are encouraged to provide an overview of the ?eld, discuss their own research, and relate the research ?ndings to potential human health consequences.


Section A. Introduction - Behavioral aspects of eating: 21st Century Dietary Fats

Chapter 1 Western Diet and Behavior: The Columbus Concept
Agnieszka Wilczy?ska-Kwiatek, PhD, Fabien De Meester,PhD, Ram B Singh, and ?ukasz ?api?ski

Chapter 2 The social context of dietary behaviors: The role of social relationships and support on dietary fat and fiber intake
Anish R. Dube MD and Cassandra A. Stanton, Ph.D.

Chapter 3 Social class, food intakes and risk of coronary artery disease in the developing world: the Asian paradox. Ram B Singh, S S Rastogi, RK Goyal, S Vajpayee, Jan Fedacko, Daniel Pella, and Fabien De Meester PhD

Chapter 4 Social, Cultural Economical and practical factors
Simin B. Vaghefi, PhD, CNS, LNutr., Julia Watkins, PhD, associate Professor, and Karri Brown, Graduate Student,

Section B. Fats, Obesity and Cardiovascular Disease

Chapter 5 Dietary fat intake: promotion of disease in Carotid Artery Disease: Lipid Lowering vs Side Effects of Statins
Rakesh Sharma, Ram B Singh, Jose Katz

Chapter 6 Leptin and obesity: Role in cardiac structure and dysfunction. Sherma Zibadi, MD, PhD, Douglas F. Larson, PhD and Ronald Ross Watson, PhD

Chapter 7 Cardiac structural and functional changes in genetically modified models of obesity
Felina Cordova, B.S., MPH, Sherma Zibadi, MD, PhD, Douglas F. Larson, PhD, Ronald Ross Watson, PhD.

Chapter 8 Fat-modified dairy products and blood lipids in humans
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Jahreis, and Christin Hengst
Chapter 9 Modified milk fat reduces plasma triacylglycerol concentrations: Health and disease effects.
Helene Jacques, PhD, DtP, Nadine Leblanc, and Nathalie Bergeron

Chapter 10 Dietary supplements, cholesterol and Cardiovascular disease.
Hannah R. Vasanthi, Nesrin Kartal-OEzer , Angelo Azzi, and Dipak K. Das, PhD, ScD, FAHA

Section C: Fats and Cholesterol

Chapter 11 Partially hydrogenated fats in the US diet and their role in disease
James J. Gormley, and Vijaya Juturu

Chapter12 Fatty acid ratios in free living and domestic animals
Michael A. Crawford PhD, CBiol, FIBiol, FRCPath, Wang Y, Lehane C and
Ghebremeskel K
Chapter 13 Is Saturated Fat Bad?
Uffe Ravnskov, MD, PhD,

Chapter 14 Alteration of Human Body Composition and Tumorigenesis by Isomers of Conjugated Linoleic Acid
Nirvair S. Kelley, Neil E. Hubbard, and Kent L. Erickson,

Chapter 15 Recent Cholesterol-Lowering Drug Trials: New Data, New Questions
Michel de Lorgeril, MD

Section D. Contaminants in Fats and Oils: Role in Illness

Chapter 16 Ill health effects of food lipids: Consequences of inadequate food processing, storage and cooking.
Peter Surai, PhD, and V.I. Fisinin

Chapter 17 Nutrition-toxicological dilemma on fish consumption.
Isabelle Sioen, Stefaan De Henauw, and Johan Van Camp

Chapter 18 Anthropogenic and naturally-produced contaminants in fish oil: Role in ill-health.
Adrian Covaci, PhD, and Alin C. Dirtu,

Chapter 19 Mycotoxins in human diet: a hidden danger.
Peter Surai, PhD, Miklos Mezes, T. I. Fotina, and S. D. Denev

Section E. Fat Induced Disease and Ill-health

Chapter 20 Insulin Resistance and Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Induced by Conjugated Linoleic Acid in Humans
Madhuri Vemuri, and Darshan S. Kelley,

Chapter 21 The role of dietary fat in insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes
Betsy Dokken, PhD, NP, and Jackie Boucher, M.S., R.D.

Chapter 22 Do modern Western diets play a role in myalgic encephalomyelitis?
Basant K Puri, MA, PhD, MB, BChir, BSc (Hons) MathSci, MRCPsych, DipStat, PG Cert Maths, MMath

Chapter 23 The role of modern Western diets in attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder.
Basant K Puri, MA, PhD, MB, BChir, BSc (Hons) MathSci, MRCPsych, DipStat, PG Cert Maths, MMath

Section F. Dietary and pharmaceutical approaches to medicate fat-induced disease and ill-health

Chapter 24 Strategies to modify school-based foods to lower obesity and disease risk
John B. Bartholomew, Ph.D., Associate Professor and Grad


ISBN-13: 9781603275705
Publisher: Springer (Humana Press Inc.)
Publication date: June, 2010
Pages: 500
Weight: 2390g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Biochemistry, Critical Care Medicine, General Practice, Nutrition, Physiology, Public Health
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