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Nutrients, Stress and Medical Disorders
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A benchmark survey of current clinical findings on the complex interactions between diet, stress, and mental health, and their impact on disease states. The authors give special attention to the influence of stress on physical health, mental health, and cognitive function, including the critical effects of maternal nutritional status and stress levels on fetal physical and mental development, the role of lipids in the development and treatment of depression, the role of fish oil in the development of aggressive behaviors, and the consequences of obesity on stress and the development of eating disorders. Additional chapters examine the effects of stress on chronic disorders, women, and cardiac function, and the influence of inflammation on diet, neurological functions, disease incidence, and cognitive functions.


I. History, Methodology, and Basic Science

Stress Revisited: A Methodological and Conceptual History
Martha M. Faraday

Experimental Protocols for the Study of Stress in Animals and Humans
Carla Gambarana

Neurobiological Foundations of Stress
Michael R. Foy, Jeansok J. Kim, Tracey J. Shors, and Richard F. Thompson

The Beneficial Effects of Fruit and Vegetable Supplementation on Neuronal Signaling and Behavior in Aging: Beyond Antioxidants
J. A. Joseph, B. Shukitt-Hale, and G. Casadesus

Effects of Stress and Nutrition on Blood-Brain Barrier Functions
Akihiko Urayama and William A. Banks

II. Nutrients and Stress

Essential Fatty Acids and Stress
Shlomo Yehuda, Sharon Rabinovitz, and David I. Mostofsky

Stress, Glucocorticoids, and the Brain
R. H. DeRijk and E. R. de Kloet

Herbal Products, Stress, and the Mind
David Wheatley

Stress and Food Craving
Sharon Rabinovitz

Stress, Alcohol Consumption, and the Hypothalamic-Pituitary- Adrenal Axis
Maria M. Glavas and Joanne Weinberg

Influences on Diet and Stress Across Space and Time: A Contextual Perspective
Daniel Kim and Ichiro Kawachi

III. Health, Mental Health, and Cognitive Functions

Nutrition and Stress and the Developing Fetus
Rinat Armony-Sivan and Arthur I. Eidelman

Lipids and Depression
Basant K. Puri

Nicotine, Sleep, and Depression
Javier Velazquez-Moctezuma and Rene Drucker-Colin

Aggression, Fish Oil, and Noradrenergic Activity
Tomohito Hamazaki

Stress in the Pathogenesis of Eating Disorders and Obesity
Gal Dubnov and Elliot M. Berry

IV. Chronic Disorders and Inflammation

Effect of Dietary Hypercholesteremia on Host Immune Response
Roger M. Loria

Treatment of Huntington's Disease With EicosapentaenoicAcid
Basant K. Puri

Major Stressors in Women's Health: The Role of Nutrition
Adrianne Bendich and Ronit Zilberboim

Long-Chain Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids and Metabolic Syndrome X
Undurti N. Das

Dietary Management of Stress Using Amino Acid Supplements
Miro Smriga and Kunio Torii

Conditioned Nutritional Requirements of the Failing Heart
Michael J. Sole

Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids and Neuro-Inflammation
Sophie Laye and Robert Dantzer

Pathophysiological Effects of Inflammatory Mediators and Stress on Distinct Memory Systems
Lisa A. Teather

The Interaction Between Nutrition and Inflammatory Stress Throughout the Life Cycle
Robert F. Grimble



ISBN-13: 9781617375668
Publisher: Springer (Humana Press Inc.)
Publication date: November, 2010
Pages: 452
Weight: 854g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Biochemistry, Nutrition, Public Health
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