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Mechanisms of Secondary Brain Damage from Trauma and Ischemia
Recent Advances of our Understanding
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The international interdisciplinary gathering of top of secondary brain damage in brain trauma, as ac- level clinical and laboratory scientists in Mauls, Italy knowledged from the beginning of these workshops in has developed from its beginning in 1984into a fruitful Mauls, the significance of inflammation is all but clear. tradition where worldwide experts active and knowl- Although inflammatory phenomena are seen in trauma edgeable in cerebral ischemia and trauma convene for and ischemia ofthe brain, as activation ofwhite blood update and exchanges of their most recent clinical and cells with emigration into the tissue presumably en- experimental findings and concepts. These meetings hancing damage, inflammatory cells may have benefi- have, of course, experienced shifts in emphasis from cial properties as well. Thechapter on the Janus-faceof the past until now, corresponding to the most actual inflammation isanalyzing this ambiguity. developments, which were fascinating clinicians and The exploration of novel cell-biological mechanisms laboratory scientists alike.
The current Supplement of on a molecular or more systemic basis causing apop- Acta Neurochirurgica is an example in case. Its virtue totic cell death, inflammation, or regeneration, provide as before is that authors contribute articles in a review- useful objectives for therapeutical interventions ex- like manner on their own field of research, according pected to be more specific than the present treatment to the platform presentations at the meeting as indis- modalities.


Secondary brain damage - the basic sciences Vossenkuhl, W.: Knowledge matters Enders, G.: Gene profiling - chances and challenges Plesnila, N.: Role of mitochondrial proteins for neuronal cell death after focal cerebral ischemia Wiese, S., Beck, M., Karch, C., Sendtner M.: Signalling mechanisms for survival of lesioned motoneurons Hossmann, K.-A.: Genetically modified animals in molecular stroke research Progress in the understanding of brain injury from ischemia Wang, X., Feuerstein, G. Z.: The Janus face of inflammation in ischemic brain injury Back, T., Schuler, O. G.: The natural course of lesion development in brain ischemia Brambrink, A. M., Noga, H., Astheimer, A., Heimann, A., Kempski, O.: Pharmacological preconditioning in global cerebral ischemia Traumatic brain and spinal cord injury - the experimental approach Dietrich, D. W., Chatzipanteli, K., Vitarbo, E., Wada, K., Kinoshita, K.: The role of inflammatory processes in the pathophysiology and treatment of brain and spinal cord trauma Hanke, J., Sabel, B. A.: L-type calcium channel antagonist nifedipine reduces neurofilament restitution following traumatic optic nerve injury Stover, J. F., Sakowitz, O. W. Unterberg, A. W.: Neuronal activity and cortical perfusion determined by quantitative EEG analysis and laser Doppler flowmetry are uncoupled in brain injured rats Ribotta, M. G., Menet, V., Privat, A.: Glial scar and axonal regeneration in the CNS: lessons from GFAP and vimentin transgenic mice Traumatic brain and spinal cord injury - clinical progress including treatment Dietz, V., Colombo, G.: Recovery from spinal cord injury - underlying mechanisms and efficacy of rehabilitation Farin, A., Marshall, L. F.: Lessons from epidemiologic studies in clinical trials of traumatic brain injury Wasserberg, J.: The MRC CRASH trial - a large, simple randomised trial of steroids in head injury Maas, A. I. R., Marmarou, A., Murray, G. D.,Steyerberg, E. W.: Clinical trials in traumatic brain injury: current problems and future solutions Wirth, A., Baethmann, A., Schlesinger-Raab, A. and Study Group of BMBF-Research Consortium Neurotraumatology and Neuropsychological Rehabilitation: Assal, J., Aydemir, S., Bayeff-Filloff, M., Beck, J., Belg, A., Boscher, A., Chapuis, D., Dietz, H.-G., Doeffinger, J., Eisenmenger, W., Gerstner, W., Goebel, W.-E., Grosse, P., Grumme, Th., Gutermuth, L., Hoelzel, D., Hoepner, F., Huf, R., Jaksche, H., Jensen, U., Kettemann, M., Ketterl, R., Kirmayer, U., Kolodziejcyk, D., Koestler, W., Kuznik, J., Lackner, C., Lenz, G., Lochbihler, H., Lumenta, C., Martin, S., Preisz, A., Prokscha, G., Regel, G., Reischl, H., Reulen, H.-J., Rothmeier, F., Sackerer, D., Schneck, S., Schweiberer, L., Sommer, F., Steiger, H.-J., Stolpe, E., Stummer, W., Tanner, P., Trappe, A., v. Twickel, J., Ueblacker, P., Wambach, W., Wengert, P., Zimmerer, S.: Prospective documentation and analysis of the pre- and early clinical management in severe head injury in Southern Bavaria at a population based level Author Index Index of Keywords


ISBN-13: 9783709172063
Publisher: Springer (Springer Verlag GmbH)
Publication date: October, 2012
Pages: 132
Weight: 375g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Critical Care Medicine, Neurology, Neurosurgery
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