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Brain-Inspired Cognitive Systems 2010
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Main description:

Brain Inspired Cognitive Systems - BICS 2010 aims to bring together leading scientists and engineers who use analytic and synthetic methods both to understand the astonishing processing properties of biological systems and specifically of the brain, and to exploit such knowledge to advance engineering methods to build artificial systems with higher levels of cognitive competence.

BICS is a meeting point of brain scientists and cognitive systems engineers where cross-domain ideas are fostered in the hope of getting emerging insights on the nature, operation and extractable capabilities of brains. This multiple approach is necessary because the progressively more accurate data about the brain is producing a growing need of a quantitative understanding and an associated capacity to manipulate this data and translate it into engineering applications rooted in sound theories.

BICS 2010 is intended for both researchers that aim to build brain inspired systems with higher cognitive competences, and for life scientists who use and develop mathematical and engineering approaches for a better understanding of complex biological systems like the brain.

Four major interlaced focal symposia are planned for this conference and these are organized into patterns that encourage cross-fertilization across the symposia topics. This emphasizes the role of BICS as a major meeting point for researchers and practitioners in the areas of biological and artificial cognitive systems. Debates across disciplines will enrich researchers with complementary perspectives from diverse scientific fields.

BICS 2010 will take place July 14-16, 2010, in Madrid, Spain.


Chapter 1. Introduction- Ricardo Sanz , Carlos Hernandez and Jaime Gomez

Chapter 2. Emergent feature sensitivity in a model of the auditory thalamocortical
System- Martin Coath, Robert Mill, Susan Denham, and Thomas Wennekers

Chapter 3. STDP Pattern Onset Learning Depends on Background Activity
Introduction 5- James Humble, Steve Furber, Susan Denham and Thomas Wennekers

Chapter 4. Emergence of small-world structure in networks of spiking
neurons through STDP1 plasticity- Gleb Basalyga, Pablo M. Gleiser, and ThomasWennekers

Chapter 5. Coupling BCM and neural fields for the emergence of selforganization
consensus- Mathieu Lefort and Yann Boniface and Bernard Girau

Chapter 6. Alpha and theta rhythm abnormality in Alzheimer's Disease:
a study using a computational model- Basabdatta Sen Bhattacharya, Damien Coyle and Liam P. Maguire

Chapter 7. Oscillatory Neural Network for Image Segmentation with
Biased Competition for Attention- Tapani Raiko and Harri Valpola

Chapter 8. Internal Simulation of Perceptions and Actions- Magnus Johnsson and David Gil

Chapter 9. Building Neurocognitive Networks with a Distributed Functional Architecture- Marmaduke Woodman, Dionysios Perdikis, Ajay S Pillai, Silke Dodel, Raoul Huys, Steven Bressler, and Viktor Jirsa

Chapter 10: Reverse Engineering for Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures:
A Critical Analysis- Andreas Schierwagen

Chapter 11. Competition in high dimensional spaces using a sparse approximation
of neural fields- Jean-Charles Quinton, Bernard Girau and Mathieu Lefort

Chapter 12. Informational Theories of Consciousness: A Review
and Extension- Igor Aleksander and David Gamez

Chapter 13. Hippocampal Categories: a mathematical foundation for
navigation and memory- Jaime Gomez and Ricardo Sanz

The role of feedback in a hierarchical model of object perception- Salvador Dura-Bernal, Thomas Wennekers and Susan L. Denham

Chapter 15. Machine Free Will: Is Free Will a Necessary Ingredient of Machine
Consciousness?- Riccardo Manzotti

Chapter 16. Natural Evolution of Neural Support Vector Machines- Magnus Jandel

Chapter 17. Self-Conscious Robotic System Design Process - from Analysis
to Implementation- Antonio Chella and Massimo Cossentino and Valeria Seidita

Chapter 18. Simulating Visual Qualia in the CERA-CRANIUM Cognitive Architecture- Raul Arrabales, Agapito Ledezma, and Araceli Sanchis

Chapter 19. The Ouroboros Model, Selected Facets- Knud Thomsen.


ISBN-13: 9781461401636
Publisher: Springer (Springer-Verlag New York Inc.)
Publication date: July, 2011
Pages: 322
Weight: 714g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Neuroscience
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