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Oxygen Transport to Tissue XVIII
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The 23rd annual meeting of the International Society on Oxygen Transport to Tissue took place from August 23-27, 1995, at the Station Square Sheraton along the shores of the Monongahela River where it meets with the Allegheny and Ohio Rivers to form the "Point" of the city of Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh was a convenient location for the meeting be ing between both the East and West coasts of the United States and between the Asian and European continents. It is easily accessible by air via its large international airport. In ad dition, Pittsburgh has just recently undergone a transition from the steel mills and indus tries of old to an age of computers and biotechnology as evidenced by the new Biotechnology Center of the University of Pittsburgh where a lunch and tour were pro vided for interested participants. On the tour, the participants got to see the mix of projects ranging from molecular biology to clinical projects studying membrane oxygenators, ven tricular assist devices, oxygen carriers, and more, representing the forefront of research on oxygen delivery systems to tissue.


Assessment of Dysoxia. Calcium-Dependent 02 Sensitivity of Cat Carotid Body; D.G. Buerk, et al. Myocardial Hypoxia-Ischemia. Coronary Flow Response After Myocardial Ischemia May Predict Level of Functional Recovery; R.J.F. Houston, et al. Tissue Oxygen Distribution. The S Factor - A New Derived Hemodynamic Oxygenation Parameter - A Useful Tool for Simplified Mathematical Modeling of Global Problems of Oxygen Transport; K. Farrell, T. Wasser. Tissue Oxygenation in Tumors. Can NMR Diffusion-Weighted Imaging Provide Quantitative Information on Tumor Interstitial pO2? J.F. Dun, et al. Oxygen Supply-Demand. Peripheral Perfusion & Tissue Oxygenation Improvement Induced By Antihypertensive Medication Combined with Lipoidoproteinosis Treatment; G. Cicco, et al. Angiogenesis & Microcirculation. Modification of Low Density Lipoproteins by Erythrocytes and Hemoglobin Under Hypoxic Conditions; C. Balagopalakrishna, et al. Oxygen Carriers. Anticoagulants & Tissue Oxygenation. Near Infrared Spectroscopy. Nitric Oxide & Free Radicals. Measurement of Tissue Oxygen. 68 Additional Articles. Index.


ISBN-13: 9781461376897
Publisher: Springer (Springer-Verlag New York Inc.)
Publication date: October, 2012
Pages: 624
Weight: 1178g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Veterinary Medicine
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