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Human Interferon
Production and Clinical Use
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This vo1ume sterns from a workshop held at the W. A1ton Jones Ce11 Science Center, Lake P1acid, New York, May 19-20, 1977. The Cen- ter is an operationa1 unit of the Tissue Cu1ture Association and offers, in co11aboration with the Association's Education Commit- tee, a wide range of activities. One of the ear1iest symposia held at the Center was one concerned with Interferon, (waymouth, C. (Ed. ) 1973. The Production and Use of Interferon for the Treat- ment and Prevention of Human Virus Infections. In Vitro, Mono- graph No. 3. Tissue Cu1ture Association, Rockvi11e, Mary1and. ) In the intervening years since that symposium, many deve10pments have taken p1ace. Much has been 1earned of the mo1ecu1ar bio1ogy of interferon. However, the focus of this particu1ar workshop, as the tit1e indicates, was the production of human interferon and investigation of its c1inica1 use. Evidence has accumu1ated that interferon is an effective antiviral and, possib1y, an anti tumor agent. The production of interferon requires human ce11s and proper inducing agents. Present produc- tion faci1ities are 1imited.
The quantities of interferon needed for c1inica1 trials and eventual routine demand the deve10pment of new techniques in the growth and handling of ce11s and inducers. Safety is an important consideration in the production of bio1ogica1 products, and interferon is no exception. All components of the system and the final product must satisfy stringent safety standards.


Large Scale Production and Properties of Human Leukocyte Interferon Used in Clinical Trials.- New Microcarriers for the Large Scale Production of Anchorage-Dependent Mammalian Cells.- Effect of Low Levels of Cyclic Ribonucleotides on Mitogen and Virus Induced Production of Interferon.- Production of Interferon in Human Cell Cultures by a New, Potent Viral Inducer.- Human Interferon: Large Scale Production in Embryo Fibroblast Cultures.- Factors Influencing Production of Interferon by Human Lymphoblastoid Cells.- Antigenic Properties and Heterospecific Antiviral Activities of Human Leukocyte Interferon Species..- Membrane Alterations Following Interferon Treatment.- Selection of New Human Foreskin Fibroblast Cell Strains for Interferon Production.- Tissue Culture Models of InVivo Interferon Production and Action.- Thermal and Vortical Stability of Purified Human Fibroblast Interferon.- Interferon Assay Anomaly Variation of Interferon Response with Cell Type and Sialic Acid Content.- Interferon Therapy for Neoplastic Diseases in Man InVitro and InVivo Studies.- Results of a Five-Year Study of the Curative Effect of Double Stranded Ribonucleic Acid in Viral Dermatoses and Eye Diseases.- The Possibility of Interferon Production in Tumors.- The Future of Interferon as an Antiviral Drug.- Considerations in Our Search for Interferons for Clinical Use.


ISBN-13: 9781461590828
Publisher: Springer (Springer-Verlag New York Inc.)
Publication date: December, 2012
Pages: None
Weight: 454g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Biochemistry
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