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1. Formation and Differentiation of Avian Somite Derivatives........ 1 Bodo Christ and Martin Scaal Abstract................ 1 Introduction ................. 1 Dermomyotome................ 2 Sclerotome................. 14 Outlook............. 29 2. Avian Somitogenesis: Translating Time and Space into Pa ttern.......... 42 Beate Brand-Saberi, Stefan Rudloff and Anton J. Gamel Abstract............. 42 Introduction.............. 42 Epithelialization of the segmental plate............. 43 The anterior posterior polarization of the paraxial mesoderm.............. 46 Resegmentation of the somitic derivatives.............. 49 Regionalization of somites and segmental plate............... 49 Oscillations in gene expression underlying somitogenesis........... 50 Conclusion and future considerations.............. 52 3. Genetic analysis of somite formation in laboratory fish models........... 58 Christoph Winkler and Harun Elmasri Abstract............. 58 Introduction........... 58 Genetically dissecting the clock in zebrafish: The Delta/Notch somitogenesis mutants.............. 60 Dissecting the wave front in zebrafish: FGF signalling and Tbx24............ 62 Other pathways implicated in somitogenesis............ 64 Medaka: a model complementary to zebrafish............ 64 Somite formation in the teleost medaka............. 65 Medaka somitogenesis mutants............. 66 Medaka somite mutants with PSM prepatterning defects............ 67 Medaka mutants with defective somite polarity............. 67 Conclusions and outlook............. 69 4. Old wa res and new: five decades of investigation of somitogenesis in Xenopus laevis......... 73 Duncan B. Sparrow Abstract............. 73 Introduction............ 73 Structure of the PSM............. 76 Morphological descriptions of segmentation in Xenopus............. 77 A comparison of Xenopus segmentation with that of amniote vertebrates.............. 78 What controls where the somitic furrow forms?.............. 78 Evidence for segmental Prepatterning of the PSM............. 79 Cycling genes—evidence of a “clock”?............. 81 Embryological insights into the nature of the “wavefront”............... 85 The molecular nature of the wavefront............ 86 What are the morphomechanical mechanisms required for somite separation?............. 87 Ena/VASP................ 89 Conclusion.............. 90 5. Role of Delta-Like-3 in Mammalian Somitogenesis and Vertebral Column Formation...... 95 Gavin Chapman and Sally L. Dunwoodie Abstract............. 95 Introduction.............. 95 Somitogenesis............. 95 The Notch Signalling Pathway........... 97 Notch Signalling and Somite Formation.......... 99 Dll1 and Dll3 Perform Different Functions during Somitogenesis in Mammals....... 102 Dll3 Conclusions and the Future........... 106 6. Mesp-Fa mily Genes are Required for Segmental Pa tterning and Segmental Border Formation.........113 Yumiko Saga and Yu Takahashi Abstract.......... 113 Introduction............ 113 Background of Mesp1 and Mesp2........... 114 Function of Mesp2 during Somitogenesis........... 114 Mesp2 Is also Involved in the Segment Border Formation.......... 118 Regulation of Mesp2 Expression during Somitogenesis........... 120 Functional Redundancy between Mesp1 and Mesp2........... 120 Mesp Genes in the Other Vertebrates......... 121 Perspective........... 122 7. bHLH Proteins and Their Role in Somitogenesis........... 124 Miguel Maroto, Tadahiro


ISBN-13: 9780387096056
Publisher: Springer (Springer New York)
Publication date: August, 2008
Pages: 194
Weight: 485g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: General Issues


MIGUEL MAROTO is a MRC Career Development Fellow and Lecturer at the University of Dundee, UK. He received his PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from the Department of Biochemistry of the Universidad Autonoma of Madrid, Spain. His research interests include investigating the biochemical basis of different signalling mechanisms implicated in the acquisition of specific cell fates during vertebrate development. In recent years he has been involved in the analysis of the mechanism of the molecular clock in the control of the process of somitogenesis.

NEIL V. WHITTOCK gained his PhD in Human Molecular Genetics whilst working at Guys’ and St Thomas’ Hospitals in London, UK. His research focussed on developing diagnostic genetic tests for Duchenne muscular dystrophy before moving on to identifying genes involved in bullous skin disorders. He then continued his research as a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Dundee before arriving at the University of Exeter where he spent three years working alongside Dr Peter Turnpenny. The work at Exeter focussed on the identification of genes involved in human genetic disorders that affected the development of the spine and ribs, specifically the spondylocostal dysostoses. He now works as an Ambulance Technician in Devon, UK. and runs his own antique clock restoration business.

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