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Developing Psychiatry
Epidemiological and Social Studies in Iran 1963-1976
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This book is a bequest. The author, K. W. Bash, did not live to see its appearance. Though of American parentage, he spent most of his life in Switzerland, where his last professional appointment before his retirement was that of Associate Professor of Psychiatry in Bern. Pro fessor Bash made a lasting name for himself with his textbook of psy chopathology, his research on Rorschach interpretations and his emi nent position in the Jung school of psychological thought. In his last years, however, it was Iranian psychiatry that claimed his main in terest. As an expert in the field who also spoke the language, he spent several long periods in Iran, working in an advisory capacity. This book is the product of intensive cross-cultural and epidemiological research, which unfortunately had to be broken off because of the political events in Iran. Nevertheless, editor and publisher count themselves fortunate indeed that it was possible to save the important material that the author had already accumulated from oblivion and to make it accessible to others interested in the field. Prilly-Lausanne C. MULLER Preface The conception of this book originated in our Shiraz Mental Health Survey of 1969170 when, after we had begun epidemiological studies in the villages in 1963, we for the first time gained comparable data from a city. The course of the village studies is described under "Ori gins", Part A, Chap. II, and in the chapters on local surveys in Part B.


Tables.- A: Introduction.- I. Background.- II. Origins.- III. General Principles.- IV. General Procedures.- B: Local Surveys.- I. Marvdasht.- Marvdasht Survey.- 1. Demographic Data.- 2. Social and Occupational Data of Survey Population.- 3. Distribution of Test Subjects by Sex, Age and Literacy.- 4. Mean Raw Point Scores on Block Design Test by Age, Sex and Literacy.- 5. Psychiatric Diagnoses of Mild Cases (P1).- 6. Psychiatric Diagnoses of Medium Cases (P2).- 7. Psychiatric Diagnoses of Severe Cases (P3).- 8. Psychiatric Diagnoses of All Cases.- 9. Psychiatric Cases by Degrees of Severity.- 10. Neurological Cases by Degrees of Severity.- Qassemabad Surveys 1963-1976.- 11. General Characteristics, Subjects Scrutinized.- 12. Populations by Age, Sex and Literacy.- 13. Affirmations of Best Memories.- 14. Affirmations of Worst Memories.- 15. Affirmative Responses to Items from Psychiatric Questionnaire by Sex and Age Class.- 16. Significance of Differences in Frequency of Affirmative Responses to Items from Psychiatric Questionnaire by Sex and Age Class.- Qassemabad Resurvey 1976 (no comparable data for 1963 available).- 17. Orphanism.- 18. Marital Status.- 19. Place of Birth.- 20. Length of Residence in Qassemabad.- 21. Frequency of Visits to Shiraz.- 22. Psychiatric Cases.- Qassemabad Survey 1963.- 23. Psychiatric Diagnoses of All Cases.- Qassemabad Resurvey 1976.- 24. Psychiatric Diagnoses of All Cases.- 25. Catamneses.- II. Khuzestan.- Khuzestan Survey.- 1. Village Populations and Living Conditions.- 2. Distribution of Test Subjects by Age, Sex and Literacy.- 3. "Remarkable" Adults.- 4. "Remarkable" Children.- 5. Sex Ratios.- 6. Unremarkable, Remarkable and Pathological Individuals: Adults and Children; Males, Females, and Both Sexes.- 7. Proportions of Adults and Children in Normal, Borderline and Pathological Groups.- 8. The Blind.- 9. Psychiatric Cases Seen in Presurvey 1964.- 10. Psychiatric Diagnoses of Mild Cases (P1).- 11. Psychiatric Diagnoses of Medium Cases (P2).- 12. Psychiatric Diagnoses of Severe Cases (P3).- 13. Psychiatric Diagnoses of All Cases.- 14. Psychiatric Cases (67) and Neuropsychiatrie Cases (5) by Degrees of Severity.- 15. Neurological Diagnoses.- 16. Neurological and Neuropsychiatrie Cases by Degrees of Severity.- III. The Qashqai.- Qashqai Survey.- 1. Distribution of Test Subjects by Age, Sex and Literacy.- Qalandari Survey.- 2. Distribution of Test Subjects by Age, Sex and Literacy.- 3. Mean Standard Scores on Draw-a-Man Test.- 4. Psychiatric Cases by Sex and Degrees of Severity.- IV. Shiraz.- Shiraz Survey.- 1 a. Populations by Age and Sex.- 1 b. Populations by Age and Sex.- 2. Proportions of the Sexes.- 3. Distribution of Populations by Socio-Economic Status, Sex and Pathology.- 4. Marital Status in the Shiraz Survey Population.- 5. Marital and Socio-Economic Status of Marriageable Persons in the Shiraz Psychiatric Survey Population.- 6. Marital and Socio-Economic Status of Marriageable Womenin the Psychiatric Survey Population.- 7. Number of Live-Born and Still Living Children per Woman: Psychiatric Survey Population.- 8. Gestating Women ? 10 Years by SES.- 9. Sizes of Families of Psychiatric Survey Population.- 10. Shiraz Survey Population: Relation of Family Members to Head of Household.- 11. Orphanism in Shiraz Survey Population.- 12. Socio-Economic Status of Families in Psychiatric Survey Population.- 13. Distribution of Psychiatric Cases by Socio-Economic Status and by Degrees of Severity.- 14 Prevalence of Psychopathology by Residence and Socio-Economic Status.- 15. Place of Birth and Socio-Economic Status.- 16. Pathological Immigrants to Shiraz: Sites of Emigration and Relation of Incidence of Psychiatric Disorder to Migration.- 17. Pathological Immigrants to Shiraz: Incidence and Type of Psychiatric Disorder According to Socio-Economic Status.- 18. Duration of Residence in Shiraz and Socio-Economic Status.- 19. Age and Degree of Education in Shiraz Survey Population.- 20. Literacy and Socio-Economic Status.- 21. Place of Birth and Degree of Education in Shiraz Survey Population.- 22. Religious Affiliation of the Shiraz Survey Population.- 23. Occupation and Socio-Economic Status: Shiraz Survey Population.- 24. Occupation and Socio-Economic Status: Psychiatric Survey Population.- 25. Psychiatric Diagnoses of Mild Cases (P1).- 26. Psychiatric Diagnoses of Medium Cases (P2).- 27. Psychiatric Diagnoses of Severe Cases (P3).- 28. Severe Cases (P3).- 29. Psychiatric Diagnoses of All Cases.- 30. Diagnosis and Socio-Economic Status.- 31. Diagnostic Distribution of Neurologic and Neuropsychiatrie Cases.- C: Psychological Studies.- I. Intelligence.- 1. Literacy of Men and Women in Iran.- 2. Correlations between Arithmetic and Block Design Tests.- 3. Mean Composite Intelligence Quotients for Arithmetic and Block Design Tests Combined.- 4. Survey Population from Shiraz (SP) and Qalandari: Mean Intelligence Quotients by Socio-Economic Class, Literacy and Sex.- 5. Psychiatric Survey Population from Shiraz (PP) and Qalandari: Mean Intelligence Quotients by Socio-Economic Status, Literacy and Sex.- 6. Psychiatric Survey Population from Shiraz (PP) and Qalandari: Mean Intelligence Quotients by Pathology, Literacy and Sex.- 7. Mean Intelligence Quotients of Pathological Subjects with and without Oligophrenia.- 8. Ethno-Geographical Comparison of Mean Raw Scores on Arithmetic Test A (Illiterates) and of Intelligence Quotients Derived from Them.- II. Personality.- Best and Worst Memories; Magic.- 1. Affirmations of Best Memories: Shiraz.- 2. Affirmations of Worst Memories: Shiraz.- 3. Affirmations of Best Memories: Marvdasht.- 4. Affirmations of Worst Memories: Marvdasht.- 5. Affirmations of Best Memories: Khuzestan.- 6. Affirmations of Worst Memories: Khuzestan.- 7. Affirmations of Best Memories: Qalandari and Qashqai.- 8. Affirmations of Worst Memories: Qalandari and Qashqai.- 9. Affirmations of Best Memories: Significance of Intralocal Comparisons.- 10. Affirmations of Worst Memories: Significance of Intralocal Comparisons.- 11. Shiraz, Marvdasht and Khuzestan Surveys: "No Good" and "No Bad" Memories by Age Class, Sex and Literacy: Significance of Comparisons.- 12 a. Affirmations of Worst Memories: Significance of Interlocal Comparisons.- 12 b. Affirmations of Best Memories: Significance of Interlocal Comparisons.- 13 a + b. Affirmations of Worst Memories: Significance of Interlocal Comparisons.- 14. Affirmations of Belief in Magic (Q12).- Psychiatric Questionnaire.- 15. Affirmative Responses to Items from Psychiatric Questionnaire by Sex and Age Group: Shiraz, Marvdasht, Khuzestan.- 16. Affirmative Responses to Items from Psychiatric Questionnaire by Sex and Age Group: Qalandari and Qashqai.- 17. All Surveys. Significance of Differences in Frequency of Affirmative Responses to Items from Psychiatric Questionnaire by Sex and Age Groups Interlocally Compared.- 18. All Surveys. Mean Number per Person of Affirmative Responses to Items from Psychiatric Questionnaire.- 19. Popular Responses to Z Test in Four Shiraz Sub-groups Arranged by Frequencies.- 20. Popular Responses to Z Test in Four Geographical Areas.- 21. Number of Common Popular Z Test Responses in Pairs of Populations.- 22. Number of Common Popular Z Test Responses in Pairs of Shiraz Sub-populations.- 23. Weighting of Determinants for Zulliger and Rorschach Tests.- 24 a. Z Test Characteristics: Shiraz, Non-disordered.- 24 b. Z Test Characteristics: Shiraz, Reactively Disordered.- 24 c. Z Test Characteristics: Qalandari, Non-disordered.- 24 d. Z Test Characteristics of Four Iranian Survey Populations: Adults of Both Sexes, Non-disordered and Disordered Combined.- 25 a. Z Test Characteristics Compared for Significant Differences: Shiraz.- 25 b. Z Test Characteristics Compared for Significant Differences: Qalandari and Shiraz.- 26. Z Test Characteristics of Four Iranian Survey Populations Compared for Significant Differences: Adults of Both Sexes, Non-disordered and Disordered Combined.- 27. Comparison of Certain Z Test Variables and Ratios: All Surveys Except Marvdasht.- 28. Apperceptive Types as Percentage of Total Responses: Attitudinal Values in Practical Notation.- 29. Distribution of Attitudinal Values in Shiraz.- 30. Distributions of Attitudinal Values Outside Shiraz: Non-disordered Subjects Only.- 31. Mean Attitudinal Values for Comparison: Theoretical and Practical Notation.- 32. Frequency of Shocks in Z Test Records from Shiraz and Qalandari.- D: Comparisons and Conclusions.- I. Differential Psychology.- 1. Attitudinal Values: Means and Characteristics of Distributions (Non-disordered Subjects Only): All Surveys Except Marvdasht.- II. Indicators of Psychopathology.- 1. Marvdasht Survey: Methods of Psychiatric Case Identification and Their Effectiveness, Identification Being Ascribed in Each Case to a Single Indicator (1964).- 2. Contribution of Indicators to Identification of Cases.- 3. Number of Indicators and Degrees of Severity.- 4. Discordancy Rates of Examiners - Judgments, in Percent.- 5. Shiraz Survey r Performance of Individual Examiners.- III General Psychiatric Epidemiology.- 1. Census Populations and Samples from All Surveys.- 2. All Surveys Except Qashqai: Total Prevalence Rates by Sex and Degree of Pathology.- 3. All Surveys Except Qashqai: Significance of Differences between Total Prevalence Rates by Sex and Degree of Pathology.- 4. Shiraz and Khuzestan Surveys: Comparisons by Sex.- 5. Comparisons by Degrees of Pathology (P1 : P2): Shiraz and Khuzestan Surveys Separately and All Surveys Together..- IV Special Psychiatric Epidemiology.- All Surveys.- 1. Psychiatric Diagnoses of Mild Cases (P1).- 2. Psychiatric Diagnoses of Medium Cases (P2).- 3. Psychiatric Diagnoses of Severe Cases (P3).- 4. Psychiatric Diagnoses of All Cases.- 5. Distribution of Cases by ICD (9th Revision).- 6. Schizophrenias.- 7. Endogenous Depressions.- 8. Epilepsies.- 9. Characteristics of Psychosomatic Headache Patients.- 10. Comparative Frequencies of Types of Psychosomatic Disorders.- 11. Oligophrenias.- V. Discussion and Conclusions.- 1. Comparison of Selected Psychiatric Epidemiological Surveys.- Annexes.- Annex I. No Tables.- Annex II. 1. Psychiatric Hospitals in Iran.- Annex III. 1. Crude Rates per Thousand for Psychiatric Morbidity in the Middle and Far East.


ISBN-13: 9783642829178
Publisher: Springer (Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. K)
Publication date: December, 2011
Pages: 440
Weight: 754g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Psychiatry
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